
1、不管我们跟他开什么玩笑,他都不生气。 2、令人遗憾的是唐先生再也没有苏醒过来。 3、 汤姆每天都要踢足球,所以他讨厌下雨。 4、 卡特宁愿再等一个小时也不叫醒母亲,因为她母亲太累
1、He is not angry ____ue,___ ___ ___ jokes we ___ ____him.
2、It"s a pity that Mr.Tang____ _____ ____ ___to himseif 3、Tom plays football every day ,so he__ ___ ___ ___raining 4.Kate____to wait for another hour___ ___ ___up her mother be-cause her mother was too tired 5.you___ ___to stay at the hotel ___the form___ ___ 6.____ I've made ___ ____in Engglinsh

1. He never got angry no matter how much we trick on him.
2. Regrettably, Mr Tang did not come back to life.
3. Tom has to play football every day, so he hate the rain.
4. Carter would rather wait another hour than wake his mother up because his mother was too tired.
5. Please register befor check-in.
6. Thanks to his help, I made great progress in English.


1、He is not angry _with___us,_No__ _matter__ _what__ jokes we _make__ _of___him.
2、It"s a pity that Mr.Tang__did__ __not___ __come__ _back__to himseif
3、Tom plays football every day ,so he_is_ _unhappy__ _when__ _it__raining
4.Kate__prefer__to wait for another hour_rather__ _than__ _waking__up her mother be-cause her mother was too tired
5.you_may__ _come__to stay at the hotel _after__the form_is__ _completed__
6.__这里就只有一个空吗?__ I've made _great__ _progress___in English

1, He never got angry whatever what joke we made to him.(whatever 和 what不能同时使用)
2 unfortunately Mr tang having been never got conscious(have never)
3 Tom hates raining because he need play football everyday(need to)
4 Kate would rather wait another 1hr than wake his mother, because his mother was too tired.(another已经包括一个的意思,所以不要用1hr,直接用hour才对。另外,书面语不能用这种缩写。wake...后面要加up)
5 please registration before getting in.(registration是名词,不能当动词用。get in是收割,买进,当选的意思,而且不应该用Ing)
6 My English have made a great improving by the help of him.
(I have made a ...in English)
第1个回答  2010-07-15
1.He will not angry,Whether we follow his kidding.
2,unluckily,tang never recovered.
3.Because he plays football everyday.So Tom hates raining.
4.Carter would rather wait for another hour than wake her mother, because her mother was too tired.
5.Be opened for occupancy after registered.
6.With his help,I have improved a lot in english.
第2个回答  2010-07-15
1. No matter what jokes we make of him, he never gets angry.
2. Unfortunately, Mr. Tang never woke up.
3. Tom plays football every day. So he hates it when it rains.
4. Carter would rather wait for another hour than wake her mother up, for she's too tired.
5. You can check in after you have registered.
6. My English improved greatly with his help.
第3个回答  2010-07-15
1, He never got angry whatever what joke we made to him.
2 unfortunately Mr tang having been never got conscious
3 Tom hates raining because he need play football everyday
4 Kate would rather wait another 1hr than wake his mother, because his mother was too tired.
5 please registration before getting in.
6 My English have made a great improving by the help of him.



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