

1、A dash (—) is not the same as a hyphen.The dash,or a pair of dashes,lets you interrupt a sentence to add emphasis with additional information.Use dashes lightly or you risk creating a breathless,overly informal style.


2、Use a dash to emphasize an example,a definition,or a contrast.

Two of the strongest animals in the jungle—the elephant and gorilla—are vegetarians.
Two of the strongest animals in the jungle are vegetarians—the elephant and gorilla.


1、As the equivalent of, or as a substitute for, parentheses. A pair of dashes sets off material in parenthesis more directly and decisively than a pair of commas:The Gadfly Formation—the name is the subject of much controversy—is found at only one locality in the map area.

2、To mark an unexpected turn of thought, particularly one that causes an abrupt break in sentence structure:

The Englishman must not express great joy or sorrow or even open his mouth too wide when he talks—his pipe might fall if he did. — E.M. Forster

3、 To mark the insertion of material that explains, amplifies, complements, or corrects:The outcrop consists of limestone, gneiss, and salt—an unlikely combination that had been juxtaposed by faulting.

4、To gather up the subject of a sentence when it is a very long one:Rich stores of minerals, good agricultural land, forests stretching over millions of acres, coastal waters teeming with fish, and energetic and enterprising people—all these assure Canada a bright future.The em dash is not used immediately after a colon, semicolon, or comma.




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