请教,哪位高手能帮我把给签证官的信翻译成英文啊! 急~~~

1、 我有很好的工作。XXXXXX有限公司成立于2007年,前身为XXXX科技开发总公司红外事业部,隶属于XXXX,致力于铁路车辆安全监测系统的研发。我在事业部担任副经理职务期间,重点管理事业部产品生产、市场拓展及售后服务工作,随着工作业绩的不断提升,连续三年事业部年产值突破3000万元,并以每年20%左右的速度增长。2009年我被公司提升为事业部副经理,进入公司管理层,使我感到自己付出的努力得到了公司的认可,在我个人的事业生涯上又迈进了一步,我能胜任我的工作,所以我更加热爱我的工作。
2、 我的父母在国内都已经退休,身体状况尚佳,我们工作之余和周末都会带着小孩,在父母家度过,周末是我们享受家庭温暖和睦的时间。能经常和父母在一起,是我生活中最大的快乐。
3、 北京是我出生、居住的地方,我的小学、中学和大学都是在北京完成的。我已经习惯在北京的生活,我很自豪的告诉自己,我的故乡是中国的首都——北京。2008年,我们购置了私家车,经常带着家人一起外出购物、郊游。2009年我们夫妻共同购置了一套150多平米的房子,布置好了温馨的居室,我非常希望在我的客厅里摆满具有澳洲风格的纪念品。


Respect for the visa officer: hello!
I plan to 2010 to August 28 to Australia, Australia, beautiful environment, charming, beautiful scenery of the Great Barrier Reef, XX etc are deeply attracted me, I hope that use 20 days of vacation appreciate the scenery pleasant Australia. I promise to comply with local regulations, return, because time:
1, I have a very good job. XXXXXX Co., LTD was founded in 2007, the predecessor of the science and technology development corporation for XXXX infrared division, belonging to XXXX, committed to the railway vehicle safety monitoring system development. My position as assistant manager at department, administration department during production, marketing and after-sale service, with the performance of rising, three consecutive division is 30 million yuan, the breakthrough in every year, and 20% speed increase. 2009 I was promoted to vice manager, enter the business management, make me feel the efforts of the company, in my personal career on another important step, I can do my job, so I love my work.
2, my parents are retired in domestic, physical condition, we work impressed with this weekend will bring children, parents in the home, we enjoy the weekend is warm harmonious family time. Can often and parents together, is my biggest happiness in life.
I was born in Beijing, where I live, the elementary school and middle school and university in Beijing. I have got used to living in Beijing, I am very proud of my hometown, tell oneself is the capital of China is Beijing. In 2008, we bought cars, often go shopping together with family, outing. 2009 we both purchased a set of more than 150 square meters, the house has been decorated sweet bedroom, I really hope in my living room filled with Australian style of souvenirs.

Therefore, we hope you can accept my application
第1个回答  2010-06-21
第2个回答  2010-06-10
I plan to 2010, August 8 to August 28 to Tourism Australia, Australian beautiful environment, beautiful scenery, the beautiful Barrier Reef, XX and so any sense to me, and I want to take 20 days holiday taste Australia and pleasant scenery. I promise to abide by local laws, return on time because:
1, I have a very good job. XXXXXX Co., Ltd. was established in 2007, formerly known as XXXX Infrared Technology Development Corporation Division, belonging to XXXX, dedicated safety monitoring system for railway vehicles, research and development. I served as deputy manager in the business while on duty, key management division production, marketing and after-sales service, as the work performance is on the rise for three consecutive years Division Nian output above 3000 million and to about 20% per year pace. In 2009 I was promoted to division vice president of the company into management, so I feel the hard work of the company's recognition, in my own career a step forward on that I can do my work, so I even love my job.
2, my parents have retired in the country, health is relatively good, we will spare time and weekends with children, parents spend at home, the weekend is the time to enjoy the warmth of family harmony. Can often with their parents, is my greatest joy in life.
3, Beijing is my birth, place of residence, my primary, secondary and university are done in Beijing. I am used to living in Beijing, I am proud to tell myself that my hometown is the capital of China - Beijing. In 2008, we purchased private cars, often with his family to go shopping and on outings. In 2009 we bought a couple together more than 150 square meters of houses, well furnished room a warm, and I very much hope that in my living room filled with Australian-style souvenirs.

Therefore, I hope you will accept the application
第3个回答  2010-06-13







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