

情景: 一个杀手杀了人 并且带了雇主要的东西

雇主: 我等你很久了, 刘先生.
杀手: 这个地方可真够隐蔽的.
雇主: 我要的东西呢
雇主: 很好,不愧是国际顶级杀手.
杀手: 约定的酬劳呢?
杀手: 谢谢!
雇主: 再见!
保镖: 老大!
保镖: 再见了,顶级杀手!




情景: 一个杀手杀了人 并且带了雇主要的东西
Scene:A murder killed a man,and with the thing that the employer wanted.
雇主: 我等你很久了, 刘先生.
Employer:Long time,Mr.Lau.
杀手: 这个地方可真够隐蔽的.
Murder:The place is dark.
雇主: 我要的东西呢
Employer:How about that thing
(murder passed the document)
雇主: 很好,不愧是国际顶级杀手.
Good.You are the A-1 murder.

杀手: 约定的酬劳呢?
take off the box
杀手: 谢谢!
turn around and to move
雇主: 再见!
Never seen you!
Put the gun from drawer
The employer was killed by knife from murder.
保镖: 老大!
Put the gun.
After struggle........
Bodyguard putted up a gun.
保镖: 再见了,顶级杀手!

Go to hell.Best killer!

第1个回答  2010-05-12
雇主: 我等你很久了, 刘先生.I am waiting for you for a long time,Mr Liu.
杀手: 这个地方可真够隐蔽的.Wow, you found a good place.
雇主: 我要的东西呢 Where is my thing?
雇主: 很好,不愧是国际顶级杀手.Good, you are really a super killer.
杀手: 约定的酬劳呢? What about my reward?
杀手: 谢谢!Thank you.
雇主: 再见!See you..
保镖: 老大!Boss!
保镖: 再见了,顶级杀手!See you, super killer!
第2个回答  2010-05-12
A killer had killed someone, and he brought what his employer wanted.

employer: I have been waiting for you for a long time, Mr Liu.

killer: This is really a secret place. Secret enough to do whatever you want.

employer: Where's the thing?

(killer passed the bag to the employer)

employer: good, no wonder they call you the best killer in the world!

killer: so my money?

employer: here. (give him the suitcase)

killer: thanks. (leaving)

employer: (smile evilly)so, good-bye...
(employer picks out a gun from the drawer and points to the killer)
(killer throws a knife to the employer and kills him)

the boyguard: sir!
(the boyguard picks out a gun)
...(after the fight)...
(the boyguard picks the gun, points at the killer)
boyguard: good-bye, the best killer in the world!本回答被提问者采纳
第3个回答  2010-05-12
Scene: a killer kill people and brought to the employer

Employer: I've been waiting for you, Mr. Liu.
Killer: this place is hidden.
Employer: I want
A killer (increasingly)
Employer: very good, which is an international top killer.
Caller: agreed reward?
(bodyguard took cashbox)
Stu: thanks!
(killer turned to leave)
Employer: bye!
From the drawer (employer) out of gun killer,
A killer glaive (employer) struck,
Bodyguard: the boss!
(bodyguards tao gun)
... (fight)...(打斗之后)。。。。。
(bodyguards picked up by killer) gun,
Bodyguard: goodbye, the top killer!..



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