











作者:与丗隔绝 2007-6-17 02:07 回复此发言


2 回复:0 阿拉伯数字的起源





作者:与丗隔绝 2007-6-17 02:09 回复此发言


3 回复:0 阿拉伯数字的起源


作者:与丗隔绝 2007-6-17 02:11 回复此发言


4 回复:0 阿拉伯数字的起源

【注音】:ā lā bó shù zì





算盘、蒸汽机车、5、2、旭烈兀、《日本十进分类法》、九方科技控股有限公司、花钟、扑克牌博物馆、数字、骷髅会、邵佳一、车次、电报、红印花双色复盖小字4分、国家行政机关公文处理办法、阿拉伯文化、幻方、数字商标、中国行政法实用通典、中国围棋竞赛规则、文明古国、古印度文明、行列输入法、出纳、标准编号、BP机、围棋规则、细胞色素P450同工酶、热尔贝 更多>>


·通常,我们把1、2、3、4……9、0称为“阿拉伯数字”。其实,这些数字并不是阿拉伯人创造的,它们最早产生于古代的印度。可是人们为什么又把它们称为“阿拉伯数字”呢? 据传早在公元七世纪时,阿拉伯人渐渐地征服了周围的其他民族,建立起一个东起印度,西到非洲北部及西班牙的萨拉森大帝国。到后来,这个大帝国又分裂成为东、西两个国家。由于两个国家的历代君主都注重文化艺术,所以两国的都城非常繁荣昌盛,...

作者:与丗隔绝 2007-6-17 02:15 回复此发言


5 回复:0 阿拉伯数字的起源

【注音】:ā lā bó shù zì





算盘、蒸汽机车、5、2、旭烈兀、《日本十进分类法》、九方科技控股有限公司、花钟、扑克牌博物馆、数字、骷髅会、邵佳一、车次、电报、红印花双色复盖小字4分、国家行政机关公文处理办法、阿拉伯文化、幻方、数字商标、中国行政法实用通典、中国围棋竞赛规则、文明古国、古印度文明、行列输入法、出纳、标准编号、BP机、围棋规则、细胞色素P450同工酶、热尔贝 更多>>


·通常,我们把1、2、3、4……9、0称为“阿拉伯数字”。其实,这些数字并不是阿拉伯人创造的,它们最早产生于古代的印度。可是人们为什么又把它们称为“阿拉伯数字”呢? 据传早在公元七世纪时,阿拉伯人渐渐地征服了周围的其他民族,建立起一个东起印度,西到非洲北部及西班牙的萨拉森大帝国。到后来,这个大帝国又分裂成为东、西两个国家。由于两个国家的历代君主都注重文化艺术,所以两国的都城非常繁荣昌盛,...
第1个回答  2009-04-20
第2个回答  2009-04-20

对于零,首见要讨论的是,有两种相当重要的使用方式,而这两种使用的场合有一些不同。其中一个是在我们的位置符号系统中,零被当作空白位置的表示符号。因此,像是数字 2106 中 0 就被用来让 2 与 1 表示在正确的位置上。显然的 216 的义意就与 2106 相当的不同。在零的使用在概念上、符号表示上及名称上,就有钗h的不同。

这些不同的使用,就历史的角度都不是容易说的明白的。它就是没有某个人发明这个想法,继之钗h人开始使用它的历史。就客观的说法,零的使用一点也不是直觉的概念。数学的问题开始于真实的问题与抽象的问题。在早先历史里的数字被想成较为具体的事物与之今日的抽象概念数字是大不相同的。从五匹马到"五个事物"然后再到抽象的概念"五"是个很大的跳跃。如果古时人们解决有关农夫需要多少马匹的问题时,问题就不会是以 0 或 -23 来当作答案。

你可能认为对一个位置的数字系统来说会产生 0 来作为空白位置的指示符号是必要的想法,as a empty place indicator is a necessary idea, 可是巴比伦人虽然有位置表示的数字系统,但是确超过一千年的时间没有这个表示空白位置的符号产生。加之完全没有任何的证据指出巴比伦人感觉到它们所使用的数字系统有令人模棱两可的严重问题。令人注意的是巴比伦数学的时期所保存下来的原始的文章里,符号是被压印进未烘干的泥板上,使用尖笔在软的泥板上书写,所以会留下楔形的形状的边,所以现在我们都把巴比伦的文字叫做楔形文字。钗h大约公元前一千七百年前附近的泥板被保存下来,并且清楚到可以让我们来辨别原始的文字。当然他们对数字的表达方式与现今是大不相同的,他们使用六十进制的而不是我们习惯的十进制。如果将它们的数字转换成我们的符号表示法,是无法辨认 2106 与 216 这两个数字间的不同的(巴比伦文章的前后关系可以指出它是什么数字)。这个问题直到公元前四百年前左右时巴比伦人才放进二个楔形的符号,就像我们将放进零来指示到底是 216 或是 21"6 。

这个两个楔形并不是唯一被使用的符号,在古美索不达米亚的巴比伦城东边的一座名为 Kish(现今伊拉克的中南部)所发现的泥板上,就使用了不一样的符号。这个泥板被认定的时间大概在公元前七百年前,使用三个扣钩的符号来表示位置符号数字系统中的空白位置。其它的同时期的泥板使用一个扣钩的符号来表示空白的位置。有一个共同的特色是使用不同的记号来表示一个空白的位置。需指出一个事实是,它没有出现在数字位结尾处,但是却总是在两个位数字之间。所以尽管我们曾经发现 21 ‘’ 6 ,但是却从没有看到 216 ‘’ 的情形。你可能假想古时候的感觉那就是文章本身是充分指出所讨论的数是什么数字。

如果指出这种参照文章脉络的的前后关系是愚蠢的话,那么注意到我们今日仍用类似的方法来表达数字。如果我搭乘巴士到附近的城镇,当我询问车票的价格时,人车说是" "It‘s three fifty" 那么意思是三磅加五十便士。然而如果换作搭飞机从爱丁堡到纽约的机票价格,相同的答案,我们却知道是三百五十磅。


到现在,将零视为空白位置的表示符号都认为是古希腊对现今数学上的贡献,其实是从古巴比伦人的数学里就已经被使用了。然而希腊人并没有采用位置化的数字系统。思考这个事实的深远意义是很有价值的,也就是说光辉的希腊数学家们的成就并不能让他们采用巴比伦人已曾经使用具有各种优点的位置化数字系统?我们即将所谈论的这个问题的简单答案是较令人不可思议的,基本上我们必须知道希腊的数学成就是建立在几合上的。虽然欧几里得的几合原本 Euclid’s Elements 是包含在一部探讨数论的书里,但是它是以几合为立基的。换句话说,希腊的数学家并不需要给数字命名,因为他们工作上所使用的数字就如同线段的长度一般。商人们使用的数用才须要被命名并记录下来,而数学家并不需要,因此不需要非常聪明的数字表示系统。

我们刚提及的事情是有例外的。例外的就是那些牵涉到记录复杂的天文数据的数学家们。今日我们所能认定的"表示零的符号"的最早符号使用记录,是由希腊的天文数学家使用符号 O 所开始的。有钗h理论讨论为什么是使用这个特别的符号。某些历史学家倾向于把它视为 omicron (希腊字母第十五个字母)的这种说法,然而 Neugebauer 却不认为这个看法,因为希腊人已经使用 omicron 当做 70 这个数字了(希腊的数字系统是建立在它们的字母上的),他认为是因为希腊字表示"没有东西"的第一个字读做 "ouden"。其它的解释认为它建立在 "obol",一种古希腊的银币(几乎没有价值的钱币)而当计算的人在计算沙板所产生的。这里的猜测是当计算的人在沙上移去东西后所留下的空的圆柱形的凹陷部份,而它看起来就像是 O。

托勒密在公元一百三十年左右时使用巴比伦人的六十进制系统连同表示空白位置的符号 O。这个期间托勒密在数字间及数字尾端使用这个符号。您可能认为至此将零视为空白位置的表示符号终于坚实的确立了。但是然而这与事实是相距甚远的。仅有少数一些例外的天文学家使用这种标示法而之后很长的一段时间都没有人再使用它了。托勒密当然是把它当作某种的标点符号,而这种想法接着出现在印度的数学里。

现在让场影移动到印度,在这里可以公正的认为今日我们所使用的高度发展的数系是从印度的数字及数字系统逐步演进而来的。当然这并不是说,印度的数字并未从早期的成就而来,钗h的数学史家相信印度人对零的使用是从希腊天文学家那儿演进而来的。而且一些数学史家似乎用非理性的方式刻意眨低印度人在数学发展上的贡献,也有人论断印度人发明零的事实太过于夸张。例如: Mukherjee 论断:-

... 这个零的数学概念 ... 也在从17 000年前的印度精神里表现出来。


在大约公元五百年左右 Aryabhata 设计了一种数字系统,这种系统是位值系统但是还没有使用到零。他使用 "kha" 这个字来表示位置并且后来被使用来称作零的名字。有证据显示,在早期的印度人的手写稿里,他们曾经使用小圆点来表示位值系统中的空白位置。有趣的是在同样的文件中有时也使用小圆点来表示未知数,而这在今日我们通常使用 x 来表示它。较晚的印度数学家对零已赋与其名,但仍旧没有表示它的符号。众所公认的印度人使用零的最早记录是在公元八百七十六年所写下的。

我们有一段记载在石头上的铭文,在它上面有一个转换成公元的八百七十六年的日期数字。这段铭文是关于 Delhi 南方四百公里的一座城镇 Gwalior ,在这个城镇里他们用种植了二百七十株戟状植物,可每日供应足够当地神壂所需的五十个花环的数量。而记载所提及的 270 及 50 都表示成几乎就是今日的样子,稍微不同的只是零比较小而用浮雕的方式。

where they planted a garden 187 by 270 hastas which would produce enough flowers to allow 50 garlands per day to be given to the local temple. Both of the numbers 270 and 50 are denoted almost as they appear today although the 0 is smaller and slightly raised.

现在我们来讨论零被初次当作数字的事情。首先我们注意到就任何的角度来说,零作为数字的候选人都是极不自然的。从早期数字被视为一类物体相关的字词,之后数字的概念愈来愈抽象,这个抽象过程让人们思考到负数及零的数字变得很有可能的。当人们试着将零及负数视为数字的同时会产生的问题是它们在算术的加减乘除的运算中与其它的整数间的互相作用为何?在三本极重要的著书中,印度的数学家 Brahmagupta, Mahavira 和 Bhaskara 试着回答这些问题。

Brahmagupta 试着给出在七世纪时牵涉到零及负数的算数运算法则。他解释道:给定一个数然后你将此数与自己相减,然后就会得到零。接着给出了牵涉到零的加法法则:—




Brahmagupta 接着说任何数乘上零结果是零,但是对于除法来说就遇到困难了:—


实际上,当 Brahmagupta 在猜测 n 除以零表示成 n/0 的时候是谈论的相当少的。很显然的是他在此处遭遇到了困难。当他在论断零除以零得到结果是零的时候,当然是错的。然而从第一个人试着扩充运算法则到零及负数的这件事情来说,这是个伟大的尝试。

在公元八百三十年左右,就在Brahmagupta写下他的名作后约二百年后,Mahavira写下了 Ganita Sara Samgraha这本书,这本书是被设来作为Brahmagupta的书的更新版本。他正确的描述道:—






所以Bhaskara试着藉由n/0 = 来解决这个问题。一开始我们可能会倾向于相信Bhaskara让这件事情变得正确了。但是当然是没有的。如果对这是对的话,也就是说0乘上一定等于任意数n,所以所有的数都相同了。即使Bhaskara对于零的其它性质做了正确的描述,例如02 = 0,以及0 = 0。但是印度的数学家就是无法鼓起勇气来说一个数无法被零来分割。



印度数学辉煌的成果被转译到较远西方,诸如伊斯兰的及阿拉伯的数学。在早期al‘Khwarizmi写下了Al’Khwarizmi on the Hindu Art of Reckoning(印度人计算的艺术),在书中描述了以印度数字1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,及0所建立起的位值系统。这项工作是在现在的伊拉克进行的,是最早使用零来当作空白位置的标示符号。Ibn Ezra在十二世纪时写了三篇论文来探讨数字,有助于将印度的数字元号及十进制的分数概念带给欧洲博学的人们了解。这本书The Book of the Number描述了对整数的十进制系统及从左到右的位值表示系统。在这项工作里ibn Ezra将零称做galgal,意思是车轮或是圆圈。十二世纪稍晚时期,al-Samawal写道:—


印度人的概念向东延伸到了中国就如同向西到了伊斯兰等国家。在公元一千二百四十七年中国的数字家Ch‘in Chiu-Shao所写的数学专论在讨论九分里就使用了O这个符号来代表零。稍后,在公元一千三百零三年,Chu Shih-Chieh 所写的Jade mirror of the four elements专论里又再次使用这个符号来表示零。



在公元一千二百年左右,Liber Abaci 为欧洲人介绍了印度的这九个数字连同0这个符号,但是却有很长的时间未被广范的使用。有件意义深远的事就是Fibonacci他并不够勇敢的将0与其它数字1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9视为一般,因为他把零读做"符号"零,而却称其它的叫做"数字"。显见的是,虽然将印度数字介绍给欧洲人是他的最主要的贡献,但是他对零的见解并没有达到印度数学家Brahmagupta,Mahavira和Bhaskara及像是al-Samawal等阿拉伯或伊斯兰数学家们的复杂程度。





第3个回答  2009-05-05
One of the commonest questions which the readers of this archive ask is: Who discovered zero? Why then have we not written an article on zero as one of the first in the archive? The reason is basically because of the difficulty of answering the question in a satisfactory form. If someone had come up with the concept of zero which everyone then saw as a brilliant innovation to enter mathematics from that time on, the question would have a satisfactory answer even if we did not know which genius invented it. The historical record, however, shows quite a different path towards the concept. Zero makes shadowy appearances only to vanish again almost as if mathematicians were searching for it yet did not recognise its fundamental significance even when they saw it.

The first thing to say about zero is that there are two uses of zero which are both extremely important but are somewhat different. One use is as an empty place indicator in our place-value number system. Hence in a number like 2106 the zero is used so that the positions of the 2 and 1 are correct. Clearly 216 means something quite different. The second use of zero is as a number itself in the form we use it as 0. There are also different aspects of zero within these two uses, namely the concept, the notation, and the name. (Our name "zero" derives ultimately from the Arabic sifr which also gives us the word "cipher".)

Neither of the above uses has an easily described history. It just did not happen that someone invented the ideas, and then everyone started to use them. Also it is fair to say that the number zero is far from an intuitive concept. Mathematical problems started as 'real' problems rather than abstract problems. Numbers in early historical times were thought of much more concretely than the abstract concepts which are our numbers today. There are giant mental leaps from 5 horses to 5 "things" and then to the abstract idea of "five". If ancient peoples solved a problem about how many horses a farmer needed then the problem was not going to have 0 or -23 as an answer.

One might think that once a place-value number system came into existence then the 0 as an empty place indicator is a necessary idea, yet the Babylonians had a place-value number system without this feature for over 1000 years. Moreover there is absolutely no evidence that the Babylonians felt that there was any problem with the ambiguity which existed. Remarkably, original texts survive from the era of Babylonian mathematics. The Babylonians wrote on tablets of unbaked clay, using cuneiform writing. The symbols were pressed into soft clay tablets with the slanted edge of a stylus and so had a wedge-shaped appearance (and hence the name cuneiform). Many tablets from around 1700 BC survive and we can read the original texts. Of course their notation for numbers was quite different from ours (and not based on 10 but on 60) but to translate into our notation they would not distinguish between 2106 and 216 (the context would have to show which was intended). It was not until around 400 BC that the Babylonians put two wedge symbols into the place where we would put zero to indicate which was meant, 216 or 21 '' 6.

The two wedges were not the only notation used, however, and on a tablet found at Kish, an ancient Mesopotamian city located east of Babylon in what is today south-central Iraq, a different notation is used. This tablet, thought to date from around 700 BC, uses three hooks to denote an empty place in the positional notation. Other tablets dated from around the same time use a single hook for an empty place. There is one common feature to this use of different marks to denote an empty position. This is the fact that it never occured at the end of the digits but always between two digits. So although we find 21 '' 6 we never find 216 ''. One has to assume that the older feeling that the context was sufficient to indicate which was intended still applied in these cases.

If this reference to context appears silly then it is worth noting that we still use context to interpret numbers today. If I take a bus to a nearby town and ask what the fare is then I know that the answer "It's three fifty" means three pounds fifty pence. Yet if the same answer is given to the question about the cost of a flight from Edinburgh to New York then I know that three hundred and fifty pounds is what is intended.

We can see from this that the early use of zero to denote an empty place is not really the use of zero as a number at all, merely the use of some type of punctuation mark so that the numbers had the correct interpretation.

Now the ancient Greeks began their contributions to mathematics around the time that zero as an empty place indicator was coming into use in Babylonian mathematics. The Greeks however did not adopt a positional number system. It is worth thinking just how significant this fact is. How could the brilliant mathematical advances of the Greeks not see them adopt a number system with all the advantages that the Babylonian place-value system possessed? The real answer to this question is more subtle than the simple answer that we are about to give, but basically the Greek mathematical achievements were based on geometry. Although Euclid's Elements contains a book on number theory, it is based on geometry. In other words Greek mathematicians did not need to name their numbers since they worked with numbers as lengths of lines. Numbers which required to be named for records were used by merchants, not mathematicians, and hence no clever notation was needed.

Now there were exceptions to what we have just stated. The exceptions were the mathematicians who were involved in recording astronomical data. Here we find the first use of the symbol which we recognise today as the notation for zero, for Greek astronomers began to use the symbol O. There are many theories why this particular notation was used. Some historians favour the explanation that it is omicron, the first letter of the Greek word for nothing namely "ouden". Neugebauer, however, dismisses this explanation since the Greeks already used omicron as a number - it represented 70 (the Greek number system was based on their alphabet). Other explanations offered include the fact that it stands for "obol", a coin of almost no value, and that it arises when counters were used for counting on a sand board. The suggestion here is that when a counter was removed to leave an empty column it left a depression in the sand which looked like O.

Ptolemy in the Almagest written around 130 AD uses the Babylonian sexagesimal system together with the empty place holder O. By this time Ptolemy is using the symbol both between digits and at the end of a number and one might be tempted to believe that at least zero as an empty place holder had firmly arrived. This, however, is far from what happened. Only a few exceptional astronomers used the notation and it would fall out of use several more times before finally establishing itself. The idea of the zero place (certainly not thought of as a number by Ptolemy who still considered it as a sort of punctuation mark) makes its next appearance in Indian mathematics.

The scene now moves to India where it is fair to say the numerals and number system was born which have evolved into the highly sophisticated ones we use today. Of course that is not to say that the Indian system did not owe something to earlier systems and many historians of mathematics believe that the Indian use of zero evolved from its use by Greek astronomers. As well as some historians who seem to want to play down the contribution of the Indians in a most unreasonable way, there are also those who make claims about the Indian invention of zero which seem to go far too far. For example Mukherjee in [6] claims:-

... the mathematical conception of zero ... was also present in the spiritual form from 17 000 years back in India.

What is certain is that by around 650AD the use of zero as a number came into Indian mathematics. The Indians also used a place-value system and zero was used to denote an empty place. In fact there is evidence of an empty place holder in positional numbers from as early as 200AD in India but some historians dismiss these as later forgeries. Let us examine this latter use first since it continues the development described above.

In around 500AD Aryabhata devised a number system which has no zero yet was a positional system. He used the word "kha" for position and it would be used later as the name for zero. There is evidence that a dot had been used in earlier Indian manuscripts to denote an empty place in positional notation. It is interesting that the same documents sometimes also used a dot to denote an unknown where we might use x. Later Indian mathematicians had names for zero in positional numbers yet had no symbol for it. The first record of the Indian use of zero which is dated and agreed by all to be genuine was written in 876.

We have an inscription on a stone tablet which contains a date which translates to 876. The inscription concerns the town of Gwalior, 400 km south of Delhi, where they planted a garden 187 by 270 hastas which would produce enough flowers to allow 50 garlands per day to be given to the local temple. Both of the numbers 270 and 50 are denoted almost as they appear today although the 0 is smaller and slightly raised.

We now come to considering the first appearance of zero as a number. Let us first note that it is not in any sense a natural candidate for a number. From early times numbers are words which refer to collections of objects. Certainly the idea of number became more and more abstract and this abstraction then makes possible the consideration of zero and negative numbers which do not arise as properties of collections of objects. Of course the problem which arises when one tries to consider zero and negatives as numbers is how they interact in regard to the operations of arithmetic, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. In three important books the Indian mathematicians Brahmagupta, Mahavira and Bhaskara tried to answer these questions.

Brahmagupta attempted to give the rules for arithmetic involving zero and negative numbers in the seventh century. He explained that given a number then if you subtract it from itself you obtain zero. He gave the following rules for addition which involve zero:-

The sum of zero and a negative number is negative, the sum of a positive number and zero is positive, the sum of zero and zero is zero.

Subtraction is a little harder:-

A negative number subtracted from zero is positive, a positive number subtracted from zero is negative, zero subtracted from a negative number is negative, zero subtracted from a positive number is positive, zero subtracted from zero is zero.

Brahmagupta then says that any number when multiplied by zero is zero but struggles when it comes to division:-

A positive or negative number when divided by zero is a fraction with the zero as denominator. Zero divided by a negative or positive number is either zero or is expressed as a fraction with zero as numerator and the finite quantity as denominator. Zero divided by zero is zero.

Really Brahmagupta is saying very little when he suggests that n divided by zero is n/0. Clearly he is struggling here. He is certainly wrong when he then claims that zero divided by zero is zero. However it is a brilliant attempt from the first person that we know who tried to extend arithmetic to negative numbers and zero.

In 830, around 200 years after Brahmagupta wrote his masterpiece, Mahavira wrote Ganita Sara Samgraha which was designed as an updating of Brahmagupta's book. He correctly states that:-

... a number multiplied by zero is zero, and a number remains the same when zero is subtracted from it.

However his attempts to improve on Brahmagupta's statements on dividing by zero seem to lead him into error. He writes:-

A number remains unchanged when divided by zero.

Since this is clearly incorrect my use of the words "seem to lead him into error" might be seen as confusing. The reason for this phrase is that some commentators on Mahavira have tried to find excuses for his incorrect statement.

Bhaskara wrote over 500 years after Brahmagupta. Despite the passage of time he is still struggling to explain division by zero. He writes:-

A quantity divided by zero becomes a fraction the denominator of which is zero. This fraction is termed an infinite quantity. In this quantity consisting of that which has zero for its divisor, there is no alteration, though many may be inserted or extracted; as no change takes place in the infinite and immutable God when worlds are created or destroyed, though numerous orders of beings are absorbed or put forth.

So Bhaskara tried to solve the problem by writing n/0 = ∞. At first sight we might be tempted to believe that Bhaskara has it correct, but of course he does not. If this were true then 0 times ∞ must be equal to every number n, so all numbers are equal. The Indian mathematicians could not bring themselves to the point of admitting that one could not divide by zero. Bhaskara did correctly state other properties of zero, however, such as 02 = 0, and √0 = 0.

Perhaps we should note at this point that there was another civilisation which developed a place-value number system with a zero. This was the Maya people who lived in central America, occupying the area which today is southern Mexico, Guatemala, and northern Belize. This was an old civilisation but flourished particularly between 250 and 900. We know that by 665 they used a place-value number system to base 20 with a symbol for zero. However their use of zero goes back further than this and was in use before they introduced the place-valued number system. This is a remarkable achievement but sadly did not influence other peoples.

You can see a separate article about Mayan mathematics.

The brilliant work of the Indian mathematicians was transmitted to the Islamic and Arabic mathematicians further west. It came at an early stage for al-Khwarizmi wrote Al'Khwarizmi on the Hindu Art of Reckoning which describes the Indian place-value system of numerals based on 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 0. This work was the first in what is now Iraq to use zero as a place holder in positional base notation. Ibn Ezra, in the 12th century, wrote three treatises on numbers which helped to bring the Indian symbols and ideas of decimal fractions to the attention of some of the learned people in Europe. The Book of the Number describes the decimal system for integers with place values from left to right. In this work ibn Ezra uses zero which he calls galgal (meaning wheel or circle). Slightly later in the 12th century al-Samawal was writing:-

If we subtract a positive number from zero the same negative number remains. ... if we subtract a negative number from zero the same positive number remains.

The Indian ideas spread east to China as well as west to the Islamic countries. In 1247 the Chinese mathematician Ch'in Chiu-Shao wrote Mathematical treatise in nine sections which uses the symbol O for zero. A little later, in 1303, Zhu Shijie wrote Jade mirror of the four elements which again uses the symbol O for zero.

Fibonacci was one of the main people to bring these new ideas about the number system to Europe. As the authors of [12] write:-

An important link between the Hindu-Arabic number system and the European mathematics is the Italian mathematician Fibonacci.

In Liber Abaci he described the nine Indian symbols together with the sign 0 for Europeans in around 1200 but it was not widely used for a long time after that. It is significant that Fibonacci is not bold enough to treat 0 in the same way as the other numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 since he speaks of the "sign" zero while the other symbols he speaks of as numbers. Although clearly bringing the Indian numerals to Europe was of major importance we can see that in his treatment of zero he did not reach the sophistication of the Indians Brahmagupta, Mahavira and Bhaskara nor of the Arabic and Islamic mathematicians such as al-Samawal.

One might have thought that the progress of the number systems in general, and zero in particular, would have been steady from this time on. However, this was far from the case. Cardan solved cubic and quartic equations without using zero. He would have found his work in the 1500's so much easier if he had had a zero but it was not part of his mathematics. By the 1600's zero began to come into widespread use but still only after encountering a lot of resistance.

Of course there are still signs of the problems caused by zero. Recently many people throughout the world celebrated the new millennium on 1 January 2000. Of course they celebrated the passing of only 1999 years since when the calendar was set up no year zero was specified. Although one might forgive the original error, it is a little surprising that most people seemed unable to understand why the third millennium and the 21st century begin on 1 January 2001. Zero is still causing problems!本回答被提问者采纳
第4个回答  2009-04-30

对于零,首见要讨论的是,有两种相当重要的使用方式,而这两种使用的场合有一些不同。其中一个是在我们的位置符号系统中,零被当作空白位置的表示符号。因此,像是数字 2106 中 0 就被用来让 2 与 1 表示在正确的位置上。显然的 216 的义意就与 2106 相当的不同。在零的使用在概念上、符号表示上及名称上,就有钗h的不同。

这些不同的使用,就历史的角度都不是容易说的明白的。它就是没有某个人发明这个想法,继之钗h人开始使用它的历史。就客观的说法,零的使用一点也不是直觉的概念。数学的问题开始于真实的问题与抽象的问题。在早先历史里的数字被想成较为具体的事物与之今日的抽象概念数字是大不相同的。从五匹马到"五个事物"然后再到抽象的概念"五"是个很大的跳跃。如果古时人们解决有关农夫需要多少马匹的问题时,问题就不会是以 0 或 -23 来当作答案。

你可能认为对一个位置的数字系统来说会产生 0 来作为空白位置的指示符号是必要的想法,as a empty place indicator is a necessary idea, 可是巴比伦人虽然有位置表示的数字系统,但是确超过一千年的时间没有这个表示空白位置的符号产生。加之完全没有任何的证据指出巴比伦人感觉到它们所使用的数字系统有令人模棱两可的严重问题。令人注意的是巴比伦数学的时期所保存下来的原始的文章里,符号是被压印进未烘干的泥板上,使用尖笔在软的泥板上书写,所以会留下楔形的形状的边,所以现在我们都把巴比伦的文字叫做楔形文字。钗h大约公元前一千七百年前附近的泥板被保存下来,并且清楚到可以让我们来辨别原始的文字。当然他们对数字的表达方式与现今是大不相同的,他们使用六十进制的而不是我们习惯的十进制。如果将它们的数字转换成我们的符号表示法,是无法辨认 2106 与 216 这两个数字间的不同的(巴比伦文章的前后关系可以指出它是什么数字)。这个问题直到公元前四百年前左右时巴比伦人才放进二个楔形的符号,就像我们将放进零来指示到底是 216 或是 21"6 。

这个两个楔形并不是唯一被使用的符号,在古美索不达米亚的巴比伦城东边的一座名为 Kish(现今伊拉克的中南部)所发现的泥板上,就使用了不一样的符号。这个泥板被认定的时间大概在公元前七百年前,使用三个扣钩的符号来表示位置符号数字系统中的空白位置。其它的同时期的泥板使用一个扣钩的符号来表示空白的位置。有一个共同的特色是使用不同的记号来表示一个空白的位置。需指出一个事实是,它没有出现在数字位结尾处,但是却总是在两个位数字之间。所以尽管我们曾经发现 21 ‘’ 6 ,但是却从没有看到 216 ‘’ 的情形。你可能假想古时候的感觉那就是文章本身是充分指出所讨论的数是什么数字。

如果指出这种参照文章脉络的的前后关系是愚蠢的话,那么注意到我们今日仍用类似的方法来表达数字。如果我搭乘巴士到附近的城镇,当我询问车票的价格时,人车说是" "It‘s three fifty" 那么意思是三磅加五十便士。然而如果换作搭飞机从爱丁堡到纽约的机票价格,相同的答案,我们却知道是三百五十磅。


到现在,将零视为空白位置的表示符号都认为是古希腊对现今数学上的贡献,其实是从古巴比伦人的数学里就已经被使用了。然而希腊人并没有采用位置化的数字系统。思考这个事实的深远意义是很有价值的,也就是说光辉的希腊数学家们的成就并不能让他们采用巴比伦人已曾经使用具有各种优点的位置化数字系统?我们即将所谈论的这个问题的简单答案是较令人不可思议的,基本上我们必须知道希腊的数学成就是建立在几合上的。虽然欧几里得的几合原本 Euclid’s Elements 是包含在一部探讨数论的书里,但是它是以几合为立基的。换句话说,希腊的数学家并不需要给数字命名,因为他们工作上所使用的数字就如同线段的长度一般。商人们使用的数用才须要被命名并记录下来,而数学家并不需要,因此不需要非常聪明的数字表示系统。

我们刚提及的事情是有例外的。例外的就是那些牵涉到记录复杂的天文数据的数学家们。今日我们所能认定的"表示零的符号"的最早符号使用记录,是由希腊的天文数学家使用符号 O 所开始的。有钗h理论讨论为什么是使用这个特别的符号。某些历史学家倾向于把它视为 omicron (希腊字母第十五个字母)的这种说法,然而 Neugebauer 却不认为这个看法,因为希腊人已经使用 omicron 当做 70 这个数字了(希腊的数字系统是建立在它们的字母上的),他认为是因为希腊字表示"没有东西"的第一个字读做 "ouden"。其它的解释认为它建立在 "obol",一种古希腊的银币(几乎没有价值的钱币)而当计算的人在计算沙板所产生的。这里的猜测是当计算的人在沙上移去东西后所留下的空的圆柱形的凹陷部份,而它看起来就像是 O。

托勒密在公元一百三十年左右时使用巴比伦人的六十进制系统连同表示空白位置的符号 O。这个期间托勒密在数字间及数字尾端使用这个符号。您可能认为至此将零视为空白位置的表示符号终于坚实的确立了。但是然而这与事实是相距甚远的。仅有少数一些例外的天文学家使用这种标示法而之后很长的一段时间都没有人再使用它了。托勒密当然是把它当作某种的标点符号,而这种想法接着出现在印度的数学里。




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