
IMX Resources Cairn Hill Project
South Australian Port Options

 Can commence shipping within 3 months. Container crane rotary tipplers & hard stand area for storage required. No capital cost outlay to IMX.
 Vessels up to 75,000t possible.
 Indications of up to 3mtpa capacity available at container berths
 Rail - current quote A$22.50 /t rail – indications from alternative supplier that this could be reduced to around A$19 / t
 Port – current quote for A$10.50 / t for handling and loading ships

Port Pirie
 Could commence within 5 months. Would require a low cost enclosed hopper shed and fixed point shiploader – previous design and costs indicates about A$0.5m for 1500tph ship loader, shed, hopper and feeder likely to be in the order of A$0.5-1m.
 The maximum size vessel that Pt Pirie can handle is 30,000t, the channel into the port has a beam restriction of 30m as well as depth constraints.
 There are no limitations on the port capacity, only used by Nystar for lead concentrate imports and Perilya for Zinc concentrate exports
 Rail – previous indications A$14 / t using bottom dump, probably add A$1.50 / t if using containers rather than bottom dump wagons
 Port – previous indications suggest around $5 / t all up including handling
 Pt Pirie would be idea for a shuttle shipping operation using 20,000t self discharging ships to say Pt Latta – only about 12 hours sailing. Other option is to barge and load into panamax or cape size vessels, but an expensive option.

Port Bonython
 Feasibility study ready to be presented to government – indicates port is viable. Approvals & construction time estimated at 3 years.
 Estimated cost to build common user shiploader and sheds for customers A$300-400m. Limited capital cost outlay to IMX possible.
 Same port operator as Adelaide & Pt Pirie, will be common user.
 Capacity
 Pt Bonython will handle cape vessels up to 180,000t.
 Initial port capacity likely to be around 15mtpa but will be expandable
 Rail – previous indications A$14 / t using bottom dump.
 Port – likely to be in the A$5-6 /t range depending on what capital IMX puts up for things like sheds.
 Pt Bonython is the longer term solution for bulk tonnages. Has the advantage of being a greenfield site, & is not located close to a town.
 Having the same port operator as Adelaide and Pt Pirie would be ideal to move operations once the port is complete.

将需要一个低成本的封闭漏斗棚和定点装船-以往的设计和成本表明美元约0.5米的1500tph船舶装载机,脱落,漏斗和直属可能在命令$ 0.5 - 1分。容量的最大大小船只这铂皮可以处理是三点零零零万吨,渠道进入港口梁限制三十米以及深度的限制。 没有限制的港口能力,只有使用Nystar进口的铅精矿和锌精矿Perilya的出口费用铁路-以前的迹象阿14美元/吨使用底部转储,可能购买1美元。

初步港口能力可能在15mtpa但将扩展成本铁路-以前的迹象阿14美元/吨使用底部转储。 港-可能在5-6美元/吨范围取决于资本提出了IMX像鸡舍。评论铂博奈森是较长期的解决方案,批量吨位。的优势在于它是新建网站,与不邻近城镇。 具有相同的港口运营商的阿德莱德和Pt皮将是理想的移动业务后,港口已经完成。

50 /吨,如果使用的容器底部,而不是倾倒水车港-前迹象表明大约5美元/吨的所有行动,包括处理评论铂皮将想法航天飞机航运业务使用二点〇万吨自我履行船舶说铂拉塔-只有约12小时航行。另一种选择是驳船和负载到巴拿马或角的大小船只,但昂贵的选择。港口博奈森状态可行性研究准备提交给政府-显示端口是可行的。审批及施工时间估计为3年。 估计费用,建立共同的用户装船和鸡舍为客户提供了300美元, 400米。有限的资金成本支出,以IMX可能。 同一港口运营商的阿德莱德与铂皮,将共同的用户。 能力铂博奈森将处理佛得角船只多达十八点〇 〇万吨。

IMX资源大老山工程南澳大利亚阿德莱德港选项现状可以开始发货后3个月内。集装箱起重机旋转tipplers及硬立场领域的存储需要。没有资本的成本开支IMX 。容量船只多达七点五○万吨可能。 标志高达3mtpa能力可在集装箱泊位费用铁路-当前引用22.50美元/吨的铁路-从其他供应商的迹象,这可能将减少到约阿19美元/吨港-当前的报价为A $ 10.50 /吨,处理和装卸船皮里港状况可以开始5个月之内。
第1个回答  2009-03-31
第2个回答  2009-03-31
第3个回答  2009-03-31



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