
In most machine members, the deformation must be kept low, the member must be kept stiff and rigid。In a spring,the reverse effect is desired ,and the deformation must be relatively large,the spring being a machine member built to have a high degree of resilience.
Springs are used as cushions to absorb shock,as in machine supports, on automobile frames, and in airplane landing gear;as a source of power since they store up energy that is later delivered as driving power,as in clocks,trigger mechanisms,etc.;and to maintain contact between machine members by exerting a direct force ,as in clutches ,brakes,valve springs,and cam followers.Springs are also used as load-measuring devices,as in spring balances,power dynamometers,and in instruments such as gags,meters,and engine indicators.
Stress in coil springs of round wire
The coil,or helical,spring consists of a wire or rod wound into a helix and is primarily intended for axial direct compression or tension loads.
The action of the force F in Fig.8.5 ends to rotate the wire,thereby causing torsional stresses in the wire.Also,bending,direct compression,and direct shearing stresses,which are neglected in the conventional spring equations,are set up in the wire.Considering only the torsion and assuming a round wire ,the stress is

Where F =axial load,lb
Dm=mean coil diameter,in.
d =wire diameter,in.
In this equation,the bending,direct shear,compression,and wire curvature are neglected.An analysis by A.M.Wahl that considers these stresses indicates that the stress at the inner surface of the coiled wire may reach values 60 per cent higher than those given by Eq.(8-1),when the spring index is low.The spring index is the ratio of the mean coil diameter to the wire diameter.
According to Wahl,the maximum stress in the spring wire is


And C is the spring index Dm/d.To simplify the computations,the value of K may be taken from the curve in Fig.8.6
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In most machine members, the deformation must be kept low, the member must be kept stiff and rigid。In a spring,the reverse effect is desired ,and the deformation must be relatively large,the spring being a machine member built to have a high degree of resilience.
Springs are used as cushions to absorb shock,as in machine supports, on automobile frames, and in airplane landing gear;as a source of power since they store up energy that is later delivered as driving power,as in clocks,trigger mechanisms,etc.;and to maintain contact between machine members by exerting a direct force ,as in clutches ,brakes,valve springs,and cam followers.Springs are also used as load-measuring devices,as in spring balances,power dynamometers,and in instruments such as gags,meters,and engine indicators.
Stress in coil springs of round wire

The coil,or helical,spring consists of a wire or rod wound into a helix and is primarily intended for axial direct compression or tension loads.
The action of the force F in Fig.8.5 ends to rotate the wire,thereby causing torsional stresses in the wire.Also,bending,direct compression,and direct shearing stresses,which are neglected in the conventional spring equations,are set up in the wire.Considering only the torsion and assuming a round wire ,the stress is

Where F =axial load,lb
Dm=mean coil diameter,in.
d =wire diameter,in.
In this equation,the bending,direct shear,compression,and wire curvature are neglected.An analysis by A.M.Wahl that considers these stresses indicates that the stress at the inner surface of the coiled wire may reach values 60 per cent higher than those given by Eq.(8-1),when the spring index is low.The spring index is the ratio of the mean coil diameter to the wire diameter.
According to Wahl,the maximum stress in the spring wire is

F=轴向荷载, 磅
D=金属丝的直径, 英寸

在此等式中,弯曲度,直接剪力,压力和金属线弯曲率忽略不计。A.M.Wahl(沃尔) 的一个分析考虑可这些应力, 指出当弹簧直径比低时,盘绕线内表面的应力应该比等式(8-1)中给出的高60%。弹簧直径比是指弹簧平均直径和金属线直径的比率。根据沃尔(Wahl) 的理论, 弹簧线的最大应力应为


And C is the spring index Dm/d.To simplify the computations,the value of K may be taken from the curve in Fig.8.6
C是弹簧直径比 Dm/d. .为了简化计算,K值按照图8.6中曲线。
第1个回答  2009-03-31
瓦尔说,认为这些强调指出,应力的内表面的螺旋线可能达到百分之六十的价值高于所给予均衡器。 ( 8-1 ) ,当春天指数low.The春季指数的比率平均线圈直径的线直径。据瓦尔,最大应力的弹簧钢丝是和C是春天指数部/ d.To简化计算,其价值的钾可采取从曲线图。 8.6


温泉也用作负载测量设备,如春结余,电力测功机,并在文书,如多糖,米,发动机指标。应力的螺旋弹簧的圆丝线圈,或螺旋,春天是由电线或棒伤口成螺旋结构,并主要用于轴向直接压缩或紧张负载。的行动力F在Fig.8.5结束旋转线,从而造成扭应力wire.Also ,弯曲,直接压缩,并直接剪应力,这是忽视了传统的春季方程,建立了在wire.Considering只有扭转和假设圆线,该压力是其中f =轴向载荷,英镑糖尿病=意味着线圈直径英寸d =线直径,英寸在这个方程,弯曲,直接剪切,压缩,并线曲率neglected.An分析调幅
第2个回答  2009-03-31



温泉被用作垫来吸收冲击,因为在机器的支持,在汽车内,并在飞机起落架;作为动力源,因为它们储存的能量是后来交付动力,如钟表,触发机制等。 ;和保持联系,成员之间的机器施加直接的力量,如离合器,制动器,气门弹簧,和CAM followers.Springs也用作负载测量设备,如春结余,电力测功机,并在文书,如作为聚糖,米,发动机指标。



所采取的行动力F在Fig.8.5结束旋转线,从而造成扭应力wire.Also ,弯曲,直接压缩,直接剪应力,这是忽视了传统的春季方程,是建立在wire.Considering只有扭转,并呈现出圆线,应力

其中f =轴向载荷,英镑


d =线直径,英寸

在这个方程,弯曲,直接剪切,压缩,并线曲率neglected.An分析AMWahl强调,考虑到这些表明,应力的内表面的螺旋线可能达到百分之六十的价值高于所给予情商。 ( 8-1 ) ,当春天指数low.The春季指数的比率平均线圈直径的线直径。



和C是春天指数部/ d.To简化计算,其价值的钾可采取从曲线Fig.8.6



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