
London Zoo is the oldest zoo in the world, which has been established in April 27,1828. At the beginning, all the animals were targeted as scientific research by the scientists, subsequently it was opened to public in 1847. Currently, the zoo is collecting 755 animal species, among all of them, there are 15104 individual species, the amount of collection is the best in United Kingdom. It is managed under the aegis of the Zoological Society of London(established in 1826), and is situated at the northern edge of Regent's Park , on the boundary line between City of Westminster and Camden (the Regent's Canal runs through it). The Society also has a morespacious site at ZSL Whipsnade Zoo in Bedfordshire to which the larger animals such as elephants andrhinos have been moved. As well as being the first scientific zoo, ZSL LondonZoo also opened the first Reptile house (1849), first public Aquarium (1853), firstinsect house (1881) and the first children's zoo (1938).ZSL receives no state funding and relies on 'Fellows', 'Friends','Members', entrance fees and sponsorship to generate income.
</p></p>伦敦动物园为世界上最古老的动物园。该园于公元1828年4月27日成立。起初,园内动物为科学家的研究对象;后在1847年对公众开放。现它在英国汇集755个动物物种,当中包括15,104个个体,收藏量是英国之最。该园由于1826年建立的伦敦动物学会管理,位于摄政公园北部,并被摄政运河穿越,占地36英亩。伦敦动物学会亦将如象和犀牛等的大型的动物由市区的动物园迁往贝德福德郡的惠普斯奈德野生公园安置。伦敦动物园不但是世界上最古老的动物园,亦首先于1849年建成爬虫馆、于1853年开放公众水族馆、于1881年拥有第一个昆虫馆以及于1938年建成世界上第一座儿童动物园。另外,于2007年首家蛙类综合保护中心馆亦向公众开放。伦敦动物学会不接受国家资金,并且依靠' Fellows' ' Friends' ' Members',入场费和资助创造收入。 </p>



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