关于not more than和not less than的用法

曾经看见某网站写的:not more than没有比……更多=at the best as……as not less than=at the least as……as没有比……更少   我想问这是对的嘛?原因是?

not more than:不比……更,不如;至多at the best 充其量,至多at (the) most至多,不超过∴not more than= at the best=at (the) most not more … than= not so/ as… as意为“不如……”no more than只有;仅仅;不过;相当于only not less than:不比……差,至少no less than后接数词,表示“多达”,有强调“多”的含义。...at least 至少...∴not less than= no less than= at (the) least= as many as意为“不少于” Ⅰ not more than 常用于数词之前,意为“至多;顶多;不超过”,其意义与 at (the) most 相同。例如:
  There on some hay on the ground lay a peasant boy of not more than seventeen.
   地面的干草上躺着一个农家孩子,最多不过 17 岁。
not more … than 意为“不如……;不及于……”,语气常着重否定后面的一个分句。常可与“ not so/as … as ”互换使用。例如:
  This story is not more interesting than that one. = This story is not so/ as interesting as that one. 这个故事不如那个故事有趣。
  She's 25 years old, at most. 她最多25岁。 Ⅱ no more than后接数词,( = only; just )例如:    Abraham Lincoln's whole school education added up to no more than one year.    亚伯拉罕�6�1林肯所受的全部学校教育总共不过一年的时间。no more … than意为“和……一样地不……”,表示两者都否定,但说话人往往着重否定前面的一个分句,其作用相当于“ neither … nor ”。例如:    Marry is no more diligent than Tom. = Neither Mary nor Tom is diligent. 玛丽和汤姆两个人都不勤奋。       Ⅲ not less than 意为“不少于”,同 at (the) least 。严格地说,not less … than 的意思是“至少不比……差”,意味或许还要强一些,但现在基本和no less than混用,二者均相当于“ as many as ”。例如:
  Our school has not less than/ no less than three thousand students.
  我们学校拥有的学生不下 3,000 人。比较:no less … than 意为“(至少)和……一样”。例如:
  He is no less active than he used to be.



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