

是这样的,你们之前告诉我加急服务(这个译成:add the rush)只要5-7个工作日,但实际上已经超出了这个时间、并且这之前的两周内你们都没有从我信用卡上扣钱,所以我以为我申请的加急服务没有成功,我就用了信用卡里面的钱导致余额不够140美元。


I received a text message from the bank notifying me that a 140 withdrawal was unsuccessfully executed. As I was told previously that the add-the-rush service only takes about 5-7 business days, but the actual service has exceeded time specified. In addition, your agency did not charge my credit card over the last 2 weeks, so I thought that the add-the-rush service I requested was not executed, which resulted in an overdraft because my account balance was less than 140usd.
If you have confirmed the add-the-rush service and the package is ready for shipping. Please re-try charging my credit card. I have deposited enough money to the account. It should work this time.


第1个回答  2013-01-19
SMS I received from the bank, inform the credit card $ 140 without success.
So, before you tell me the expedited service (translated: add the rush) as long as 5-7 days, but has actually exceeded this time, and two weeks before that you are not from my credit card. deducting money on, so I thought I applied for an expedited service is not successful, I used a credit card inside the money resulted in a $ 140 balance enough.
If you are sure you have used the expedited service, and has finished and ready to send me, from credit card, then please try again chargeback, I have to recharge a sufficient amount, this should succeed.
第2个回答  2013-01-19
I received a txt message from the bank that says a credit card payment of 140 US$ failed.
Here's the story, you have told me that the add-the-rush service only takes 5-7 working days, but it acturally was already due without taking any money off my credit card in last 2 weeks. For this reason, I felt that the service I applied had failed so that I used out the rest of my banlance for other purpose, which leaded to your failure in taking money from me since my banlance was lower than 140 US$.

If you can confirm that the add-the-rush service I ordered is already fully prepared and ready for posting to me, please try to take the money from me again. I just top-up enough credit to my account to ensure the success.
第3个回答  2013-01-19
I received the bank message, inform your credit card $140 without success.
So, before you tell me the urgent service (this translated into: add the rush) as long as 5-7 working days, but in fact is beyond the time, and this within two weeks before you are not from my credit card deduct money, so I thought I apply for the urgent service didn't succeed, I'll use the credit card the money inside the balance is not enough to $140.
If you confirm that have been used for urgent service, and has completed ready to send me, and now need from your credit card words, so please try again deduction, I have top up enough amount, this should be successful.



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