
In 1994
alone, fast food restaurants in the United States sold over 5 billion
hamburgers, making it a favorite meal and an important commodity. Each day in
1996, seven percent of the population ate at the 11,400 McDonald’s; males from
their mid-teens Since the late 1900s, Americans have begun to fully believe in
their “fast food culture”. to their early 30s made up 75 percent of this
business. By then, fast food had become a cultural phenomenon that reached
beyond America’s
borders. In 1996 McDonald’s owned over 7,000 restaurants in other countries,
including: 1,482 in Japan; 430 in France;
63 in China; and so
on. McDonald’s has also recognized some cultural differences. In Germany, for example, the outlets sell beer, in France they sell wine and beer, and in Saudi Arabia
they have separate sections for men and women and close four times a day for
prayers. But for the most part the fast food fare is the same, maintaining thesame culture on an international level.

仅在1994年,快餐店在美国就售出超过50亿个汉堡包, 使它成为大众喜爱的食品和重要的商品。1996年,平均每天 就有百分之七的人口在11400个麦当劳餐馆就餐。
{males from their mid-teens 连接在to their early 30s made up 75 percent of this}
自1900年代后期以来,美国人已经完全相信“快餐文化”。年龄从15 岁左右到30多的男性占了该经营对象的75%。自那以来, 快餐已经成为一种文化现象而向美国境外发展。到1996年,其他国家拥有超过7000家麦当劳, 其中日本1482家, 法国430家, 中国有63家,等等。麦当劳也承认一些文化差异。例如,德国的麦当劳也销售啤酒,而法国的摆着葡萄酒和啤酒。在沙特, 为男性和女性分开区域,并一天关闭四次以便人们祈祷。但大部分快餐售价是相同的, 以保持同样的国际文化水平。



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