







From the fourth chapter of the study can be found in the performance of the SC company has a clear competitive advantage, the gap is getting smaller and smaller competitors. SC as SC the world's third largest market, its market position is very different from 10 years ago, a pivotal position in the the SC global market accounted for. And SC products developed in recent years has been a marked does not meet the individual needs of customers in China, or in accordance with market demand, product research and development, leading to the decline in product cost, decreased customer satisfaction, serious loss of customers. Therefore, SC following aspects should be improved to improve the core competitiveness of products and services force, in order to meet customer requirements.

First, for the Chinese market, the development of standard products for the Chinese market, and the establishment of standing inventory

Integration of SC non-standard products factory in China R & D capabilities, customer feedback by the technical ability of the technology sector and the sales organization, composed of dedicated research and development team, the individual needs of the customers for the Chinese market and customer needs, information to be classified, integration, developed a series of products for the Chinese market.
Tested those products and in line with market expectations incorporated into the conventional inventory management, as standard products in the Chinese market, and truly create value for customers.
According to a survey conducted by the author of this article, SC China on the part of the product has been lost in the Chinese market dominance, and to enhance research and development capabilities of these products has become more important;
(1) ISO blade, for the production of the target customer base, such as products, materials, technology, equipment, production and other developed ISO blades for the Chinese market;
(2), finish mill, large diameter precision milling tool, should strengthen research and development, design target customers;
(3), mold tools, mold industry the SC lost market should increase its efforts to develop new products, to recapture some of the market;
(4), for some typical industry applications, developed special tools for the industry to meet the needs of the target customers;
SC China Application Center Efficiency Center, enhance customer service levels

, SC China has built a training center 7 2 Efficiency Center, an application center. Competitors can not match and, it is difficult to copy, or replication cost is too high, which is an important factor in SC difference competitors. However, these efficiency center does not really play a role, the main function of only the customers, employees and partners to provide training. To take advantage of these resources can be improved from the following aspects:
(1), the training center should strengthen marketing, and training programs to tell customers;
(2), the design of training content should be consistent with the requirements of individual customers, or fails to pique the interest of customers;
(3) for key industries, key customers customized curriculum design;
(4), the Joint professional training institutions, technical training services available to the public;
(5) for the processing of key industries, the use of the function of the application center, developed a high processing efficiency, low-cost processing plant, the optimal overall solution process, to create value for customers;
(6), for some customers not solve the problem or difficulty, use the application center efficiency center equipment, professional and technical, to help customers solve practical problems in production;
(7), with local vocational training center to establish cooperation, training of school teachers and students, to strengthen the brand awareness of the potential future customers;

Third, the proposed SC R & D centers, logistics centers in China

As China's economy continues to develop, the Chinese market has become a very important market for various industries. Many multinational companies many years ago began to establish R & D center in China, in order to design and development of products for the Chinese market, to meet the needs of customers in China for the Chinese market. The author recommends that the SC The Chinese management should be actively consult with SC headquarters, as soon as possible to establish R & D center in China, logistics center, closer to the customer, developed for the Chinese market for the Chinese market products to meet the needs of individual customers.
With competitors delivery time more and more timely, accurate, SC company has no competitive advantage in the delivery logistics center in Asia, based in Singapore, but in the increasingly important Chinese market, set up a logistics center in Singapore any cost advantageous policies, import and export facilitation advantage at all. The authors suggest should establish a logistics center in China to improve delivery accuracy and delivery time may reduce customer pressure on the stock, adding value to the customer.
第1个回答  2013-05-18
The fourth chapterfrom thestudycan be found,SC companyproduct performance hasnoobvious competitive advantage,the gap withcompetitorsincreasingly small.SC companyChinaas the third largestmarketof SCcompany in the world,its market positionhas beenquite different from 10 years ago,SC company in theglobal markethas occupiedtheposition ofplay a decisive role.And SC companyin recent years the development of theproduct has obviouslydoes not meet theneeds ofChinesecustomers personalized,or according toothermarket demand todesign,R & D products,resulting in productprice drop,customer satisfactiondecreased,serious loss of customers.Therefore,the SCcompanyfrom thefollowing several aspects ofimprovement,improve core competitiveness ofproducts andservice,to meet customer requirements.One,for the Chinese market,suitable for the development ofstandardproducts in Chinamarket,and the establishment ofinformation related to the customersstanding inventoryintegrationSC Chinatechnical capabilityof non-standard productsfactory R & Dability,product technologydepartmentandthe salesorganization feedback,composed of specializedR & D team,according to thepersonality of the Chinese market demandof customer,and thecustomerdemand,informationto be classified,integration,R & Dproducts for the Chinese marketseries.Tested these productsandin line with marketexpectationsin theconventionalinventory management,as a standardproduct in Chinese market,truly createvalue for customers.According to the survey,the author,SC companyChinainsome productshave beenlost in China,the dominant position of the market,andimprovetheproduct development capabilityis moreimportant;(1),ISO blade,for theproduction oftarget customers,such as products,materials,technology,equipment,production,R & DforISObladeChinamarket;(2),fine millingcutter,in large diametermillingcutter,should strengthen theresearch and development efforts,to design thetarget customers;(3)the tool,mould industry,mould industry isSClost market,shouldincrease efforts todevelop new products,to recapture thepart of the market;(4),aiming at the applicationof some typicalindustries,to develop a specialtoolforthe industry,to meet the needs oftarget customers;two,using the SCcompanyChinaapplication centerandefficiency,enhance customer servicelevel at present,SC companyChinahas completed thetrainingcenter 7,efficiencyof 2 centers,application center1.This is thecompetitors can notmatch,it is difficult tocopy,orcopythe cost is too high,this is an important factor inSC'sdistinction betweenrival.However,theefficiency ofthe centerand not really play a role,the mainfunction is onlyfor customers,employees andpartners to providetraining.
第2个回答  2013-05-18



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