

Now I would like to recite an excerpt of a speech delivered at the 2009 University of Michigan graduation ceremony, by Larry Page, Google's founder. Nothwithstanding being a successful figure, Larry's speech has not been rhetoric, but was delivered sincerely, recounting his family background and life experience. His core message is to speak of the two most precious things in liffe - a dream and a close friend, so as to encourage the graduating students.

第1个回答  2015-04-08
What I would like to recite is the speech made by Larry Page at his graduation ceremony in University of Michigan in 2009, who is the founder of Google. Although he had been a successful example, Larry didn't exaggerate, instead he described his family background and life experiences using sincere language to tell us the two most important things in our life-dream and friend,for the aim of encouraging those who would graduate .



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