各位大侠,由于英语水平有限,恳求帮忙翻译一下摘要,急用!在此小弟先行谢过了。 一些专业词语我已提供

消失模铸造 EPC casting 铝合金 aluminum alloys 数值模拟 Numerical Simulation
充型及凝固过程 mould and solidifaction 缸体 cylinde block 浇注系统 gating system
顶注式和阶梯注入式 top gating system and step gating system 流场 velocity field
缩孔缩松缺陷 shrinkages and macroporosity 温度梯度 Temperature gradient
凝固速度 cooling speed 热应力 Thermal stress 晶粒 Grain
浇注温度 Pouring temperature 模样密度 Pattern density 负压度 Vacuum degree

EPC casting has such distinguishing features as high production efficiency,high precision,good product quality ,less polluting and so on.This paper will focused on the aluminum alloy cylinder , a numerical simulation will be carried out for the mould and solidifaction of cylinde block EPC casting ,based on ProCAST,a numerical simulation software,and a optimal process plan will be determined to shorten the test cycle, save production costs, improve product quality, so as to guide the actual production.
The most important and largest part of a engine is the cylinde block . Because of the complication of the structure and the uneven of the wall thickness of the cylinde block,this is the focus and the difficult part of the engine production, the casting of the cylinde block is directly related to the level of the quality of the engine.This paper analyzes the cylinder block structure, two types of gating system are designed: top gating system and step gating system.As a result of simulating both the filling and solidification process,comparing to the temperature of the flow field and the predict of shrinkages and macroporosity of the two gating systems,we found that top gating system is relatively stable when filling, solidification temperature gradient is smaller, distribution is more uniform, cooling speed is faster, is good for reducing the thermal stress, refining grain , geting uniformly distributed organizational structure. So the top gating system is more reasonable. Rearch
Then, the impact between temperature,pattern density ,vacuum degree with shrinkages and macroporosity of the cylinde block has been carried out in this paper.Studies showing:
three factors impact the defect in a decreasing order is density, pouring temperature, vacuum degree. The combination of the minimum propensity to form casting shrinkage and macroporosity is pouring temperature of 730 ℃, vacuum degree of 30kPa and pattern density of 18g / L.
Therefore, this paper determine the final process paln. For the EPC casting of the aluminum alloys cylinde block (ZL101) , we adopt the EPS (polystyrene) as the pattern materials, select the top gating system, casting temperature is 730 ℃, vacuum degree is 30kPa and pattern density is 18g / L.

PS 花了两小时,每句看过,希望有点用处。
第1个回答  2011-03-14
Epc has high production efficiency, high accuracy, good quality of product, less pollution, etc. This paper will aluminum alloy cylinder body as the research object, based on numerical simulation software of cylinder ProCAST epc filling mold and solidification process, a numerical simulation to determine the optimum process plan, the purpose is to shorten test cycle, saving production cost, improve product quality, so as to guide practical production.
The most important in the engine, the largest part was cylinder body. Cylinder structure is complex, wall thickness, is uneven in the production of the heavy engine, difficulties, its casting level are directly related to the engine's quality. This paper analyzes the cylinder structure, design the two kinds of gating system: top note type and ladder between gating system. Through the simulation of these two kinds of gating system during the filling and solidification process, contrast flow field and temperature field and shrinkage defect shrinkages predict situation, found that the top note type gating system when filling mold is more stable, during solidification temperature gradient is small, distribution, more uniform solidification faster, help to reduce the thermal stress, fine grains, get uniform distributed organization. Therefore top note type gating system is more reasonable.
Then, this article through orthogonal test method of pouring temperature, shape density, negative pressure degree and cylinder shrinkage defect shrinkages affects the were studied. Research found that three factors to influence from large to small defect in order, shape density, pouring temperature, negative pressure degrees. Pouring temperature for 730 ℃ vacuum degree for 30kPa, shape density for 18g/L is eliminate shrinkages shrinkage defect formation tendencies minimum combination.
Therefore, this paper determines the final process scheme. For aluminum alloy cylinder body (ZL101) epc, using EPS (polystyrene) as shape material, the selection of top note type gating system, pouring temperature for 730 ℃ vacuum degree for 30kPa, shape density for 18g/L.



第2个回答  2011-03-14
EPC with high efficiency, high precision, good product quality, pollution and so on. This article will aluminum alloy cylinder block as the object of study, based on numerical simulation software on the block EPC ProCAST filling and solidification process simulation, to determine the optimal process plan, the purpose is to shorten the test cycle, saving production costs, improve product quality, to guide the actual production.
The most important engines, the largest part is the cylinder. Cylinder structure is complex, uneven thickness, is the engine production in the heavy, difficult, and its level is directly related to the engine casting quality. This paper analyzes the cylinder block structure, two types of gating system design: top-note style and step into the gating system. Gating system by simulating both the filling and solidification process, compared to the flow field and temperature field and Shrinkage Defects Prediction and found that top gating system is relatively stable when filling, solidification temperature gradient is small, distribution is more uniform, solidification speed, tends to reduce the thermal stress, grain refinement, are uniformly distributed organizational structure. So the top gating system is more reasonable.
Then, this paper, the method of orthogonal pouring temperature, density, appearance, degree and cylinder vacuum Shrinkage Defects were studied. Found: three factors in decreasing order of the defect in appearance, density, pouring temperature, vacuum degree. Pouring temperature is 730 ℃, vacuum degree of 30kPa, look density 18g / L is the casting Shrinkage tendency to minimize the combination of defect formation.
Therefore, this paper process to determine the final program. For the aluminum alloy cylinder block (ZL101) EPC, the use of EPS (polystyrene) as the appearance of materials, select the top gating system, casting temperature is 730 ℃, vacuum degree of 30kPa, pattern density of 18g / L.



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