英语好的来 帮忙翻译一下很简单的句子

一些很简单的句子 帮忙翻译一下- -

1 他通常骑车去学校
2 如果明天不下雨我们将去游泳
3 火车下午2点开
4 昨天晚上这个时间我正在写作业
5 我一写完作业就去找你一起去
6 你爸爸是干什么的,他是一名教师
7 她总是想着别人,不是自己
8 他不喜欢读书
9 每天你们在哪吃午饭?

第1个回答  2008-09-04
1.he usually goes to school by bike
2.if it does not rain tomorrow,we will go to swiming
3.the train will start at 2:00PM
4.i was writing my homework at this time yesterday
5.as soon as i finshed my homework i will go with you
6.what's your dad ? he is a teacher (哈哈,估计不是英语老师)
7.she always things about others,not herself
8.he does not like study
9.where do you have lunch everyday? 追加:这个该不会是你的家庭作业吧???汗!!
第2个回答  2008-09-04
1.He often goes to school by bike
2.We will go swim tomorrow if it isnt rain
3.The train will leave at 2 o'clock in the afternoon
4.Yesterday evening this time I was doing homework
5.I will go with you as soon as I finish my homework
6.What is your father do? He is a teacher
7.She always thinking others, not herself
8.He doesn't like reading
9.Where do you have lunch everyday?
第3个回答  2008-09-04
1. He usually rides bike to school
2. If tomorrow is not raining we will go swimming
3. The trains departs at 2pm tomorrow
4. This time last night i was doing my homework
5. As soon as i finishs my homework i will get you so we can go together
6. What does your dad do? He is a teacher
7. She always thinks for others rather than herself
8. He doesn't like reading books
9. Where do you eat lunch everyday?
第4个回答  2008-09-04
he usually goes to school by bike
we will go to swim if it doesn't rain tomorrow
the train is leaving at 2 o'clock in the afternoon
i was doing my homework at this moment yesterday evening
i'll go with you as soon as i finish my homework
what does your father do? he is a teacher
she always thinks of others instead of herself
he doesn't like reading
where do you have lunch everyday?本回答被提问者采纳
第5个回答  2008-09-04
He always go to schoool by bike.
貌似是作业 啊 我还是放弃帮助你吧 自己加油 学习!

He dosn't like reading



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