

Season one
You don’t have a violent bone in your body. 我知道你天性善良
Keep the line moving. 下一个继续
Never really thought about it. 从来没想过
---We got two commandments and two only. 我们这只有两诫
---The first commandment is you got nothing coming. 第一诫是你在这就是暗无天日
---What’s the second commandment? 那第二诫呢?
---See commandment number one. 参考第一诫
New fish! 新来的
---P.I.What's that? P.I.是什么?
---Prison Industry. 监狱工厂
---I didn't kill that man, Michael. 我没杀那个人
---The evidence says you did. 可证据表明是你杀了
---What's another word for “love”? “爱”的近义词是什么?
---What's the context? 什么语境?
Come find me when you're ready to talk. 想好了就找我谈谈
I believe in being part of the solution, not the problem. 我愿意做解决问题的途径之一 而不是问题本身
---Like all you did was turning the wrong way up a one-way street. 就像在单行道上开错方向
---Everyone turns up one sooner or later. 人人迟早都会发生点意外
I’ll take my chances. 我倒愿意试试
Past tense for you, maybe. 你的爱是过去时
---You have a habit of answering a question with a question. 你很喜欢拿问题去回答别人的问题
---And you have a way of asking questions that beg more questions. 你也很喜欢问那种越追究 问题越多的问题
---In a month’s time, I’ll be dead. 一个月后 我就死了
---You’re already dead to me. 在我心中 你早就死了
Men and women can’t be friends. 男人和女人不可能成为朋友
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. 要和朋友靠在一起 而与敌人要靠的更近

Everybody chooses sides. 每个人都要选定立场
You best speak with respect. 你说话最好客气点
You're just as pretty as advertised. 你和传言中一样帅气
I promise you that-- when the time is right. 我向你保证-- 在恰当的时机
Positive. 确定
You’ve told me a thousand 你已经告诉我上千次...

I don’t like the look in your eye. 我不喜欢你看我的眼神
And I am not going to let that happen. 我不会让这一切发生
There wasn't anything in the closet but fear. 门后面什么也没有 只有你的恐惧
You just have to open that door, and the monster would disappear. 打开那扇门,怪物就会消失不见
There's always a solution. 凡事总有解决的办法
You and I need to have a conversation. 我们需要好好聊聊
Give me your hand. 给我你的手
Just have a little faith. 活得有信念点!

Things have changed. 今时不同往日
He deserves punishment 罪有应得
Van Gogh over there is my new cellmate. 那边的“梵高”是我的新牢友
Someone’s going to get hurt. 有人得受伤

These men are my responsibility. 这些人是我的责任
There are eyes, ears. 那些耳目
You're up against much bigger fish than me. 你遇上了比我更高级别的麻烦
All due respect, I don't need opinions. I need answers. 我没别的意思,不过我不需要建议,我需要答案
God bless the American legal system. 上帝保佑美国的司法系统
The guy behind the guy behind the guy. 那家伙背后的背后的家伙
Trust me, the less you know, the better. 相信我,你知道得越少越好

Bed check. 查床了
Look, there are three things for certain in life-- death, taxes and count. 唉 有三件事是无法逃避的: 死亡 税收...还有点名
When this guy woke up this morning, he was white! 这个家伙今天早上起来的时候, 还是白种人!
Get on the train! 抓住时机!

I'm part of the team now. 我现在也入伙了
Yeah. It's always the plan. 是啊 每次都是"计划"
Time to put this theory to the test. 是时候把理论应用于实践了
Those little "Hooker" holes were right on! 那些"胡克"小洞真的有用!

What a shame. The conversation's over. 真可惜,已经说完了
You really think you're going to get to four buttons before I get to one? 你觉得按四个键 会比我只按一个快吗?
move on next chapter of our life. 打开生活新的一页

I turned my back on him because I didn't want to make waves. 我因为怕惹麻烦而没去帮他
A man's down, you give him your hand. 别人有难,就要伸出援手
Peace. 别激动
What do you mean,” what am I doing?" 你说“在干什么?”是什么意思?
Somehow I doubt that. 我对此表示怀疑
Not a good position you find yourself in, is it? 左右不是人,是吧?
---One was a condition called low-latent inhibition. 其中一种叫做"潜在抑制症"
---I'm sorry. I’m not familiar with the term. 不好意思,我不太懂术语
Looks like a bird in the hand just became three. 看来可以一箭三雕了

You're out of business. Get used to it. 你出局了,学着适应吧
You see, this is not a "me versus you" thing anymore. 你看 这里再也没有我VS你了
So now, no one is safe. 到那时 没人是安全的了
Darwin wins inside these walls. 在这围墙里达尔文说了算(优胜劣汰)
Want us to wave the white flag? Call a time out? 要我们挥白旗投降? 叫暂停?
Why would you need a credit card in prison? 在监狱里要信用卡干嘛
While the rest of us are in here slinging concrete, you got some little girl to play on your rusty trombone? 我们几个在和混凝土打交道,一个美女却在那边帮你吹喇叭
Fast hands, faster mouth. 手很快,嘴更快
Hidden deployment. 秘密行动
You made this mess. Nobody else. You. 是你搞砸了,不是别人,正是你
We are married. But they tell all the girls to lie. 我们是结婚了 但他们要所有跳舞的人都这么说
And maybe he starts asking some questions about you. 搞不好他对你本人更感兴趣
Thanks for the history lessen. 谢谢你的历史课
You have bosses, I have bosses. 各为其主
I could not agree more. 我完全赞同

Apparently, college boy here did the math. 很显然 这个大学小子做了些功课
If he tells you everything, then you don't need him. 如果他告诉了你所有事情,那你就不需要他了
That's just business. 那只是交易罢了
You and me…its real… 我和你,是真的
Often, the lord appears when you're in particular need of forgiveness. 通常来说,当你特别需要宽恕的时候 主就会出现
"As soon as possible” is not a specific time. “尽快”可不是确切时间

That's not a request I can grant at the moment. 目前我无法满足你这个要求
They're grown men, they can all decide for themselves. 他们可不是小孩子,都会为自己打算的
You want to stay alive? Do as I say. 想活命就按我说的做
You named me? Right there along with the rest of them? 你也写了我?和那些人一起?

Remember, Pretty, I am serving life plus one. 记着,帅哥,我是终生监禁
I don't relish the prospect of taking another man's life. Whether it's just or not. 夺走一个人的生命并不值得庆贺,不管是否正义
I'm the last person in the world that my father listens to. 我是我父亲最不愿听的人
I mean, it’s not like you're asking me for a new bike here, kid. 这不是说 跟我要一辆自行车这么简单

If you don't like it, wait an hour. 你要是不喜欢现在的天气 可以等一个小时
I mean, between the killers and the crazies, I'll take the crazies. 如果你让我选杀人的还是疯子 我宁愿选疯子
They were a perfect match. 两者完全符合
I hope you're proud of this. 我希望这下你们都高兴了
I will not be cowed into forsaking my beliefs. 我不会因为被恐吓而放弃自己的信仰。
I kneel only to God. Don't see him here. 我只对上帝下跪。但我没有在这里看到上帝。

I'll take door number three. 我选第三个
You know how you can tell God is a man? 你怎么知道上帝是男人
---I think it's beautiful. 我觉得好看
---I think you're beautiful. 我觉得你好看
---Would you run if I said you? 如果我说是你,你会跑掉么?
---Would you chase me if I did? 如果我跑了,你要追我
----Uncle Sam didn't teach me nothing but cadence and kill. 除了杀人,山姆大叔没教我们别的
----Uncle Sam taught you how to drive trucks, didn't he? 山姆大叔教过你开卡车吧
----Yeah. He also taught me to look inside. 他还教我要看清本质
Nothing. 没什么
I'll be honest, there were times I was using I left pretty damn happy. But what I feel is different now. I feel, uh... I feel joy. 每次吸毒的时候感觉都很高兴, 不过我现在感觉很不一样, 我感觉到了幸福
I was reborn. 我重生了

You gotta do it for the team. 你得为团队做这件事
I've had some bad luck when it comes to relationships. 我在男女关系上运气不好.

When I play cards, it ain't gambling. 我玩牌那不叫赌博
I remember the demons. Maybe they were pilgrims. 我记得魔鬼,也许他们是朝圣者
You never heard of a gentleman's game? 你没听说过绅士的游戏?
I don't get caught. 我从不会被逮住

With the crap storm this thing's become... Why they haven't killed you. 弄成这么一塌糊涂... 为什么他们还不杀你
---Take my hand so we can put this behind us. 抓着我的手,我们一笔勾销
---Does not a warm hand, feel better than a cold shank? 一只温暖的手, 是否比冰冷的刀锋更舒服?
Must have been some serious gymnastics going on. 一定做了不少"体操"

I'm asking you to make a mistake. Not hurt anyone, not steal anything. 我在请求你犯个小错误。 不是去伤害谁,不是去偷盗
Well, not everybody gonna have a ticket. 其实,不是每个人都有票的
This is personal. 这是为了私人交情
So you got plenty of time to bake him a cake. 你有足够的时间 给他烤个蛋糕
You are everything that's wrong with politics. 你为了政治而政治
You have no trouble whatsoever with me bending the law... especially when it's bent in your direction. 当我歪曲法律时 你安然无恙, 尤其是歪向你的方向
I'm breaking out. And you're gonna make sure my brother goes with me. 我要越狱, 你要确保我哥一起走

Like a light. 轻而易举
I don't mean to shock you, Paul. 我不是打击你 Paul
Okay, after Lincoln, we go alphabetically. Lincoln之后 我们按字母顺序排队

Soft money makes the world go around. 有钱能使鬼推磨
Think twice, Johnny boy. 三思,小子
We run. 我们跑
第1个回答  2008-10-23
No. 1
Michael: You and me…It's real…

No. 2
Michael/Lincoln: Just have a little faith.

No. 3
Abruzzi: I kneel only to God. Don't see him here.

No. 4
Abruzzi: Take my hand so we can put all this behind us.
Does not a warm hand feel better than a cold shark?

No. 5
Friend of Sucre: You look like hell.
Sucre: I'm man from hell, puppy. Now, I just gotta go to Vegas.
Sucre对爱的执著让我感动。就像他说的,"She is the love of my life". 此生挚爱。

No. 6
Sucre's GF: What do you want from the future?
Sucre: Would you run if I said you?
Sucre's GF: Would you chase me if I did?
Sucre: 如果我说是你,你会逃开吗?

No. 7
Veronica: Michael, you are where you are because of your brother.
Michael: You are telling me he's where he is because of me.
-Michael, 你能有今天都是因为你哥哥。

No. 8
T-bag: You think you are the only one who feels betrayed? I…loved you, Susan. Real love. For the first time in my life... And then…and then what you do to me like that just throw me back into the dark and toss me out of the back door...I have sins in the past. But when I met you, the person, that one who did all the terrible things, he died. And I was reborn. By the grace of your love I was a new man, a better man. When you sent me here to this place with these people, you bring that dirty bastard right home.
你认为只有你觉得被人背叛了吗?我。。。曾经爱过你,Susan. 我生命中的第一次真爱。而你。。而你所做的,却是把我扫地出门,重新赶回黑暗之中。我过去是有过罪恶,但当我遇见你的那一刻,那个做尽坏事的人就已经死了,而我则获得了重生。在你爱情的光辉中,我成了一个新的人,一个更好的人。当你把我送进这里,与这些人为伍时,过去那个肮脏的罪人又将复活。

No. 9
Sucre: Why do you want to see him so hard anyway?
Michael: Because he's my brother.
总觉得He's my brother更像是一种宣誓,一种对责任的声明与承受,一种对生命的分担,背负与战斗。所以他们的战斗就此打响。

No. 10
T-bag: How about getting us to somewhere cooler, say, Africa?
Hey, this man was still white this morning!
第2个回答  2008-10-25
第3个回答  2008-10-23



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