
以下5个句子(词汇量保证高中之内,回答得好可加分,要求手工,混分别来)(1)我们应该竭尽全力保护珍贵的水资源。(2)我们必须采取行动跟上新的发展形势。(3)你跟我撒谎是什么意思?(4)更严重的是,你没意识到自己的错误。(用2种形式,如“简单句”“主语从句”)(5)与他合作,意义何在?(可用what 引导)

1.We should do our best to protect the rare water resources. 2.We must act to follow up the new situation of the development . 3. What's the meaning that you lie me ? 4. The more serious is that you have not realized your mistake. / It is more serious that you have not realized your mistake. 5. Cooperate with him , Why ? /What is the meaning to cooperate with him ?
第1个回答  2011-12-02
1.We shuold try our best to protect valuable water source.
2.We must take actions to catch up with the new situation of development.
3.What do you mean by lying to me?
4.What was worse ,.you have not realized your own mistakes
It went worse thatyou have not realized your own mistakes.
5.What's the meaning by cooperating with him?
第2个回答  2011-12-02
(1)We will try our best to protect the precious water resources.
(2)We must take action to keep up with the new situation.
(3)Why would you lie about it to me?
What do you mean by telling me a lie
(4)What is more serious is that you didn't realize your mistake.
You are not aware of your mistake, which is more serious.
(5)What's the point of collaborating with him?
第3个回答  2011-12-02
1. We should make every effort to protect precious water resources.
2. We must take action as to keeping pace with new development situations.
3. You lie to me, what does it mean?
4. The more serious problem is that you did not realize your mistake.
5. what is the significance to cooperate with him?
第4个回答  2011-12-02
1.we should try best to protect valuable water.
2.we must take action to keep up with the new development
3.why are you lying to me?
4.what's worse, you did not realize your mistake.
5. what's the meaning of cooperating with him.
第5个回答  2011-12-02
we should try our best to protect the water resources.
We have to adopt actions to follow the new development situation.
You are lie to me,what it is?
It is more serious that you have not realized your fault.
what is the value to Incorporate with him?



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