麻烦翻译一段话,汉译英,关于中美家庭教育差异的 ,高三水平,谢谢啦

美国父母一般都自己带孩子, 不要老人或保姆带孩子。为人父母者觉得教育子女是自己的责任,他们宁可多吃些苦, 自己带孩子, 也不要老人或保姆带。而老人一般也不愿给子女带孩子。在中国,却有大量的家庭, 孩子主要是爷爷奶奶、姥姥姥爷或保姆带。美国人觉得自己的孩子应该自己负责,自己的事应该自己做。客观上, 父母带孩子比起上一辈带孩子有很多好处,表现在: 代沟小、 更易做到严爱结合、 更贴近新时代要求等。
  美国父母工作之余经常陪孩子, 即使偶尔出去活动,一般也会带上孩子。而中国很多父母似乎自己的事特别多, 不少人晚上经常有出去吃饭之类的应酬,出去也很少带着孩子。当然, 中国的父母对孩子的关注大多集中在孩子的学习上。
  美国父母一般很尊重孩子, 把孩子当成与自己平等的人,凡事尽量尊重孩子的意见和选择, 让孩子参与。中国父母更多的是当孩子只是孩子,孩子的事常由父母包办, “他还是孩子嘛!”之类的话是中国父母经常说的。
  美国父母遇事更多的是让孩子自己思考、决定怎么做, 而中国父母的普遍做法则是自己告诉孩子该怎么做。例如, 父母和孩子遇到了一位叔叔。美国人往往是大人问孩子: “你应该怎样称呼这位先生?”然后让孩子自己思考、 自己称呼,而中国父母则直接对孩子说: “叫叔叔!”
  美国家庭教育特别重视让孩子从小就要劳动。美国孩子从小不仅自己的事自己做,帮着做份内的家务活, 而且从小就要学着“打工”, 如代别人看孩子、打扫卫生、卖报纸等。年龄越大, 他们的劳动越多。而在中国, 孩子不仅很少参与社会劳动, 分内的家务活也做得很少, 很多孩子年龄很大了, 洗内衣之类的事仍然要父母包办。
  美国家庭更加乐于给孩子宽容的环境,给孩子更多自由, 让孩子多活动。中国的家庭教
  育则相反, 孩子自由较少, 活动较少,学习任务重,对学习要求一味偏高,其他又要求太低。
  中美家庭教育还有很多巨大差异, 但上述差异对于改进我们的教育方法颇具指导意义。对于以上差异,我更倾向于认同美国家长的做法。我们应该多思考,深入了解这些差异的利弊,找出自己教育方法中的不足, 努力采取最好的方法教育孩子。

American parent s generally raise children by themselves, not by the olders or child cares. As parents, they do pay much more energy on raising rather than raise them by olders or child cares.However, olders arenot willing to raise,either. In China,Many family do these resonsbilities by children's grand mother or father,which,American consider these of their own duties. Occassionally, There are lots of good points for rasing children by their parents rather than their grand parents. Which lies on: less communication obstacles, combination of love and education,more closer to the requirements of nowadays.
American parents often play with their children by free time and bring with them once they are out. Which, Many Chinese parents seem to be very busy and once they are out to date without their children. Of course,they pay more attention which said to be on their children's homework.
Americans generally respect their children and see them as the ones as themselves. They include their children into the decision and choice and respect every desicions and choices they make. which,Chinese parents often see their children as children and do everything instead of them. and say like, he or she is just a child.
American parents often include their children in everything and let them make every decisions or choices by themselves.Instead,Chinese parents often tell their children what to do. For example,Once they met an uncle whom they dont know well.American parent often will ask their children what they may call this man, but Chinese ones often immediatelly ask their children to call him"Uncle".
American parents pay more attention to tell their children to do housework from their childhood.American children not only do things by themselves but also help with housework and get part-time jobs as well. Like, looking after others' children, doing cleannings and selling newspaper.they do as much jobs as their ages getting elder. But, in China,children seldom do social jobs and housework which they could join in. And, they do wash underclothes by their parents even when they are very elder.
American parents are much willing to give their children mcuh easy enviornment , much freedom, and even make them join in more activities. In instract, Chinese children are less freedom, less activities,more pressure in study, more requirements in their scores and less others instead.
There are many other big differences between American education and Chinese education. The differences above have important meaning in improving our educational methods. I prefer the American methods of education which above mentioned.We shall need to think over good points and bad points of these diffrences, and find out which short points it may lies in and adopt the best ways to educate our children by effort.
第1个回答  2012-03-22
American parents usually bring their own children, don't old man or nanny children. As parents think education is the responsibility of the children themselves, they would rather eat more bitter, bring your own child, also do not old man or nanny. And the old man general also would not give their children with the children. In China, but there are a lot of families, children mainly grandpa's grandmother, grandmother grandpa or nanny. Americans think their children should be responsible for himself, should do it on your own. Objectively, parents with children with children than on one generation has a lot of advantages, displays in: the generation gap, and easier to do small strict with love, more press close to the new age requirements, etc.
American parents of work often accompany children, even if occasionally go out activities, general will also bring the kids. And China ?本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2012-03-24
American parent s generally raise children by themselves, not by the olders or child cares. As parents, they do pay much more energy on raising rather than raise them by olders or child cares.However, olders arenot willing to raise,either. In China,Many family do these resonsbilities by children's grand mother or father,which,American consider these of their own duties. Occassionally, There are lots of good points for rasing children by their parents rather than their grand parents. Which lies on: less communication obstacles, combination of love and education,more closer to the requirements of nowadays.
第3个回答  2012-03-22
American parent s generally raise children by themselves, not by the olders or child cares. As parents, they do pay much more energy on raising rather than raise them by olders or child cares.However, olders arenot willing to raise,either. In China,Many family do these resonsbilities by children's grand mother or father,which,American consider these of their own duties. Occassionally, There are lots of good points for rasing children by their parents rather than their grand parents. Which lies on: less communication obstacles, combination of love
第4个回答  2012-04-05
亲~你的问题太专业了 我在网上搜到信息给你了解下!希望对你有帮助!



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