


Thanks for you reading my letter. First, I want say now I really feel helpless and I am in a deep despair. Right now I don't know how to structure this request well, how to explain my bad and complicated situation well. This letter may be very informal and not very clearily even I already try my best. But I will be very appreciate if you could read my letter patiently.

翻译的逻辑没啥问题,结构也还好,老外能看懂但是,有许多语法错误。 我帮你修改了一下,你看看。
Thank you for reading my letter. First, I want to tell you that I feel very helpless and desperate for the moment. I don't know how to organize this letter to explain my terrible and complicated situation. Even though I already did my best, I am afraid that this letter could still be very informal and messed up. I'd appreciate it very much if you read my letter through with patience.
第1个回答  2015-07-21
Thanks for reading my letter,First of all, I have to say now I feel really helpless and I'm In deep despair.Right now I don't know how to structure this request well, and I don't know how to explain my bad and complicate situation very well.This letter might be very informal and not clearily expressed even I tried my best.Really appreciate if you could read my letter patiently.
个人感觉楼主太客气了,有些过了,你不必为不能很好的表达自己还有可能informal而感到helpless和deep despair,谦虚太过了,一般这两个词不用在表达谦虚上。可以考虑换种说法。
第2个回答  2015-07-21
thanks for your reading. first, i want to say that i really feel deeply depressed and helpless. i can hardly structure the letter correctly, and I have no idea on how to clearly explain this mess and complicated situation to you. though i have tried my best, this letter may still be full of imfomality and disorder. anyway, please accept my sincere thanks to you for all your kindness on reading my letter.

第3个回答  2015-07-21
Thank you for reading my letter.
I am so helpless and in a deep despair now.
I don't know how to explain my complex situation, neither write this letter.
Althought I have tried my best to complete it, the content may still in a mess.
I really appreciate your reading.追答



第4个回答  2015-07-21
1,把首先改成at first
2,want to do sth(i want to say now.........)



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