
我从很早便开始对日本的各个方面产生了浓厚的兴趣。东北大学作为日 本乃至世界有名的大学具有优良的学术传统和教育实力,因此我想在这样的 优良的学习环境中学习,努力提高自身水平。
首先我想要到达日本后尽快适应日本的环境,努力提高日语水平,这是 最重要也是最基础的。我从初中开始就学习日语,基本掌握了日语的听说读 写能力。但是在国内无法体验到日本实地的语言环境,很多东西只能通过教 科书学习。到达日本后,每天都能使用日语的这一语言环境能使我更好地学 习和掌握日语。
其次我想学习日本的人文环境和风俗习惯。日本和中国一样是传统的东 方礼仪之邦,具有悠久的历史和灿烂的文化。因此在日常学习之余我想体验 日本的传统习俗,了解日本的社会文化,为今后的日语学习打下更加坚实的 基础。
最后我会努力学习经营学的专业知识,现代的日本正在飞速的发展着, 经济、科技、文化方面都都取得了令人瞩目的成就。日本和中国交流越来越 频繁,更加让我向往日本的教育。一直以来我对经营管理都很感兴趣,所以 我很想去日本学习这方面的知识,开阔眼界,充实自身。我会利用这一年的 交流时间,通过课堂授课和去图书馆查阅相关资料更好地学习经营学。
总之,在东北大学学习的期间,我希望能更好地学习日语和经营学的专 业知识,了解日本的人文社会文化。尽可能学习更多领域的知识,丰富自身 ,锻炼能力。


I have a strong interest in all aspects of Japan started from very early. The Northeastern University as Japan and even the world famous university with excellent academic tradition and education strength, so I want to study in such a good learning environment, and strive to improve their level of. First I want to reach Japan suit Japanese environment as soon as possible, and strive to improve the level of Japanese, this is the most important and the most basic. I began to learn Japanese from junior high school, the basic grasp of Japanese listening speaking reading and writing ability. But in China not to experience Japanese field language environment, many things can only learn through textbooks. After arriving in Japan, the Japanese language environment can use every day can make me a better learning and mastery of japanese. Secondly, I want to learn Japanese humanistic environment and customs. Japan and Chinese is a state of ceremonies as eastern tradition, has a long history and splendid culture. Therefore, in the daily learning more than I want to experience Japanese traditional customs, understand Japanese society and culture, learning for the future and lay a more solid foundation of Japanese language. Finally, I will strive to learn professional knowledge of management science, modern Japan is developing rapidly, science and technology, economic, and cultural aspects have made attract people's attention achievement. Japan and China exchange more and more frequently, even more let me yearn for Japanese education. I have been on the operation and management are very interested in, so I want to go to Japan to learn the knowledge, broaden one's horizon, enrich their own. I will use this year of the communication time, through classroom lectures and go to library to access relevant information to better learning management. In short, in Northeastern University during the period of learning, I hope to better learning Japanese and management expertise, understand Japan's humanities and social culture. As far as possible to learn more knowledge in the field, enrich their own, exercise capacity.
第1个回答  2015-02-14
Can help me to translate plan, study追问




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