英语翻译 要求:语句简单,单词易懂

traveling is my topic today.我家在一个小镇上,离大别山很近,所以我从小就有机会去认识自然的美丽。山里人家很少,当你一个人步行在山间小道上时,你听到的只是风吹树梢声和各种鸟叫声,而不是游客的喧闹声。那种宁静是生活在都市里的人所无法感受到的。那时,你不会去想生活的不快,理想的难于实现,你会沉浸在自然的美好里。这不是逃避,只是偶尔给生活注入些活力。在中国南方,有山必有水。当春秋时节,风和日丽,你应该也能想象在河边林荫道上漫步或是在河边玩耍的情景的快乐。当然,旅行带给你的不仅仅是风景,还有不同的人和文化。想想当你离开家乡、国家,来到一个自己不熟识的地方时,不同的生活习惯和观念可能会让你大吃一惊。这就是新鲜感,我们乐于见到新鲜的事物。

I live in a small town near Dabieshan Mountain, so I normally got chances to go outside and see the beauty of nature since I was a child. There's not a crowd of people around, so when you walk alone on the road in the mountains, all you can hear is the sound of the wind blowing on the trees and the voices from the birds, instead of the noise from the tourists. That is a amazing peace that have hardly been felt by the people of cities. By that time, you'll leave all the sadness and the sorry that you just can't achive your dreams... you'll leave them all behind. You'll drown in the beauty of nature. It's not a kind of escape, it's just a kind of relax you taken from time to time. In southern China, where there is mountain, there is water. When spring or summer came, the wind blows softly and the sun shines gently, I think you can imagine how happy it will be to walk by a sweet singing river(这里我没有完全按照原文翻译,不过意境是差不多的)or play with the streams. Of course, traveling brings not only scenery you can see, but also different kinds of cultures and different kinds of people you can watch. Imagine that you leave home alone, to a foreign land, where everything's strange to you. There different habits of living and different point of views may surprise you at all. It's just a kind of fresh, and all of us long for fresh things.
There are so many benefits to traveling, such as seeing more, knowing more, making yourself stronger... We can just cut it. So all in all, I think traveling will absolutly be an important part of my life.
I know traveling takes a lot(这里也是意译), because you have to work hard to raise enough money for your trip, you have to learn more about living in the wildness in your spare time, you have to exercise more to make yourself a stronger man... But they're worth something, comparing with the benefits of traveling. Life itself won't offer us a thing, all we need to do is just to find the beauty of life, and try ours best to get it.



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