
帮忙翻译成英文,谢谢。大家好,我叫xxx,我给大家演讲的是第七单元,TEXT A,YOUR INNER VOICE.我大致的看了一下文章,我发现主人公的生活是非常乏味的,文章一开始就讲到作者每天的生活都一样,起床,煮咖啡,沐浴,穿衣服,然后会去工作,接下来的内容,我发现作者已经厌倦了工作场所的嘈杂,喜欢独处,选择性的避开人群,也不爱说话,或许对他来说,7.35分到8.30分之间是他一天中最放松的时间段。 过了没多久,作者开始注意坐在自己身边的一个男人,因为那个男人甚至都没看见作者坐在他旁边,作者好奇他究竟在想些什么,内心不断的纠结着要不要开口跟他说话,最后还是跟他说话了。 这名男子满眼泪花,眼睛哭得红肿,跟作者聊了20分钟之后,感觉像是如释重负,没有之前那么伤感了,还一直夸作者是个天使,并且作者心里也高兴可以缓解男子悲伤的情绪。 几周后的某一天,作者忽然收到了一个信封,信封上并没有写明是寄给谁的,只写了一个单词,天使。作者读了里面的内容之后,激动得不能自己,男子在信上说:感谢作者跟他交流,甚至还挽救了他的生命。 为什么?为什么说作者挽救了这名男子的生命?原来这名男子那天有着极其让人痛心的问题,本打算结束自己的生命,他坚信,如果上帝不想让他死,就会派人阻止他自杀,在这名男子看来,作者就是上帝派来的天使。 文章的最后,作者十分感慨当时内心的声音促使着他去和那名男子交谈,当我们倾听自己内心的声音时,甚至会改变一个人的生活。 文章讲解完了,我个人觉得,我们以后也会不会像作者一样,每天都是重复的生活,很压抑,因为我们离作者的那种生活也不远了,我们会不会找回那种对生活消逝已久的热情、希望、感动,我们可不可以改变自己的性格,主动和别人去交流,我以前也是个内向的人,但我来了学校之后,我不停的去参加各种面试,来改掉自己不爱说话的坏习惯,从凳子上的胆小内向到讲台上的侃侃而谈,我深有感触,如果在座的各位有这样的人,内向,不爱说话,请为自己做出改变,谢谢。

大家好,我叫xxx,我给大家演讲的是第七单元,TEXT A,YOUR INNER VOICE.我大致的看了一下文章,我发现主人公的生活是非常乏味的,文章一开始就讲到作者每天的生活都一样,起床,煮咖啡,沐浴,穿衣服,然后会去工作,接下来的内容,我发现作者已经厌倦了工作场所的嘈杂,喜欢独处,选择性的避开人群,也不爱说话,或许对他来说,7.35分到8.30分之间是他一天中最放松的时间段。 过了没多久,作者开始注意坐在自己身边的一个男人,因为那个男人甚至都没看见作者坐在他旁边,作者好奇他究竟在想些什么,内心不断的纠结着要不要开口跟他说话,最后还是跟他说话了。 这名男子满眼泪花,眼睛哭得红肿,跟作者聊了20分钟之后,感觉像是如释重负,没有之前那么伤感了,还一直夸作者是个天使,并且作者心里也高兴可以缓解男子悲伤的情绪。 几周后的某一天,作者忽然收到了一个信封,信封上并没有写明是寄给谁的,只写了一个单词,天使。作者读了里面的内容之后,激动得不能自己,男子在信上说:感谢作者跟他交流,甚至还挽救了他的生命。 为什么?为什么说作者挽救了这名男子的生命?原来这名男子那天有着极其让人痛心的问题,本打算结束自己的生命,他坚信,如果上帝不想让他死,就会派人阻止他自杀,在这名男子看来,作者就是上帝派来的天使。 文章的最后,作者十分感慨当时内心的声音促使着他去和那名男子交谈,当我们倾听自己内心的声音时,甚至会改变一个人的生活。 文章讲解完了,我个人觉得,我们以后也会不会像作者一样,每天都是重复的生活,很压抑,因为我们离作者的那种生活也不远了,我们会不会找回那种对生活消逝已久的热情、希望、感动,我们可不可以改变自己的性格,主动和别人去交流,我以前也是个内向的人,但我来了学校之后,我不停的去参加各种面试,来改掉自己不爱说话的坏习惯,从凳子上的胆小内向到讲台上的侃侃而谈,我深有感触,如果在座的各位有这样的人,内向,不爱说话,请为自己做出改变,谢谢。
Hello, everyone, my name is XXX, I gave the speech to everyone is 7 units, the TEXT A, YOUR INNER VOICE. I look at the article general, I found the hero's life is very dull, the article talked about the author from the start every day are all the same, get up, make coffee, bathing, dressing, and then go to work, the following content, I found that the author has been tired of the noise in the workplace, like solitude, selective, to avoid the crowd didn't love to talk, perhaps for him, between 7.35 to 7.35 is he the most relaxing time of the day. Before long, the author began to notice a man sitting beside her, because the man didn't even see the author sitting next to him, the author curious what does he think, twisted heart constantly want to speak to him, or talk to him at last. The man eyeful tears, cry red eyes, chat with the author after 20 minutes, feel like relief, less sentimental than before, has also been praised the author is an angel, and the author also can relieve man sad happy mood. One day a few weeks later, the author suddenly received an envelope, the envelope does not specify who is sent, has written a word, only angel. After the author read the content inside, too excited to himself, man said in the letter: thank you for the writer to communicate with him, even saved his life. Why is that? Why do you say the author has saved the life of the man? This man has the extremely painful problem that day, this is going to end his life, he is convinced that if god didn't want him to die, people will stop him from suicide, in the man's view, the author is an angel sent by god. By the end of the article, the author is feeling the inner voice prompted him to talk to the man when we listen to your inner voice, even change a person's life. After finished the article explain, personally, I think we would also like the author, repeat every day life, very depressed, because we were not far away from the author of that kind of life, we can find that kind of enthusiasm for life away for a long time, hope, moved, can we change our personality, initiative to communicate with others, and I've also is a introvert, but after I came to the school, I go to all kinds of interview, bad habit to get rid of his quiet, from the stool of introversion to talk to the podium, I ask, if there are people like everyone here, introverted, quiet, make a change for yourself, please. Thank you.



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