

Hello, we received your dispute information, but we did not understand the information you sent.

This order does not have logistics tracking information because the first time sent is a Hong Kong package, recently the Hong Kong Customs inspection is very strict, no customs inspection was returned, the logistics company forwarded to us the Singapore package, we asked the logistics company, the package has been sent out, can not be returned.

Could you cancel the dispute over this order first? If we do not receive the goods, we will give you the full refund. What do you think?

We are very sorry to bring inconvenience to you, but also hope that your understanding, we will be very grateful to you!

New tracking number (New Garbo post office): RF167141820SG




2.信息内容——information content

3.跟踪信息——trace information; tracing information; tracking information

4.第一次——first; for the first time

5.小包——packet; bundle; peridiole; peridiolum; pouch

6.香港海关——Hong Kong customs

7.物流公司——logistics company


9.非常感谢——thanks very much; thank you very munch

第1个回答  推荐于2019-09-11


Hello, we received your dispute information, but we did not understand the information you sent.

This order does not have logistics tracking information because the first time sent is a Hong Kong package, recently the Hong Kong Customs inspection is very strict, no customs inspection was returned, the logistics company forwarded to us the Singapore package, we asked the logistics company, the package has been sent out, can not be returned.

Could you cancel the dispute over this order first? If we do not receive the goods, we will give you the full refund. What do you think?

We are very sorry to bring inconvenience to you, but also hope that your understanding, we will be very grateful to you!

New tracking number (New Garbo post office): RF167141820SG




第2个回答  2013-10-05
您好,我们收到你的纠纷信息,但是我们没看懂你发来的信息内容。这个订单没有物流跟踪信息是因为第一次寄的时候发的是香港小包,最近香港海关检查的很严格,没有通海关检查被退回来了,物流公司给我们转发了新加坡小包,我们问了物流公司,包裹已经寄出去了,没法退回来了。能否先取消这个订单的纠纷,如果确实没收到货,我们会给您退回全款的,您看如何?我们非常抱兼给您带来不便,同时也希望您的体谅理解,我们将非常感谢您!新的跟踪号(新加波邮局):RF167141820SG :
Hello, you dispute information that we receive, but we did not understand the message you send. This order without logistics tracking information is that the first packet is sent when Hong Kong, Hong Kong Customs are very strict, and not pass customs inspection was rejected, logistics company has forwarded us a Singapore small packets, we asked logistics companies, packages have been sent out, unable to come back. Disputes could cancel the order, if indeed confiscated the goods, we will give you a refund, what do you think? We hold and for the inconvenience, empathy and hope you understand, we will thank you for it! A new tracking number (Singapore Office): RF167141820SG
第3个回答  2013-09-24
Dear Sir/Madam,
We have received your message of dispute, but sorry we don’t quite follow your message contents.
There is no delivery tracking information for this order because it was initially sent as a packet to Hong Kong, and was returned on failure to pass the customs check as it has been extremely strict with Hong Kong customs recently, then the logistics company sent it again as a packet through Singapore. As we confirmed with the logistics company, the parcel has been sent out and can't be withdrawn.
Would you cancel this dispute first? If you do not receive the goods in the following days, we will be glad to give you full refund. What do you think?
We are so sorry for such an inconvenience, and we will be very grateful to you for your understanding.
The new parcel tracking number (from Singapore Post Office) is: RF167141820SG
Yours Sincerely,
第4个回答  2013-09-23
Hello, we have received your dispute information, but we don't understand what you is the meaning of your information .There is no tracking information of this order because the first time it is sen to Hong Kong in small packet ,and recently the inspection in Hong Kong customsis is very strict, the package which don't pass the customs check was returned as undeliverable, the logistics company has transferred us packets through Singapore , we have inquried the logistics company, they say parcel which has been sent out can't come back..
you can cancel the order first, if you haven't received the goods, we will return you your money in full.
And we are very sorry for bring you the inconvenientness for you, hoping you understand we will be very appreciated!
The new tracking number ( in Singapore post office) : RF167141820SG



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